P1A:Coffey y-DNA Project: Introduction


This project is based on testing the y-chromosome, which is handed down from father to son in the same way as the Coffey surname. If you have a good match, or matches, to other males, you are related through the male line.


"Coffey" is NOT a single connected family. It has turned out that there are many entirely unrelated lines of men that share that name. We now have about 30 distinct lines. Most individuals belong to groups of those with matching DNA, plus several individuals who have not yet found matches. We try to track and report the test data and the genealogy of each group and member. 


If you're a "jump right in" person, our testing is done at WWW.FTDNA.COM. Go there, choose "Coffey" project, and order your test through our project. If in doubt, we favor the 37-marker test. Our Project Administrator will be in touch when (or before) results are complete to discuss how you fit in!


If you want some on-line help or discussion first, go back and read our "Free Advice" page.


If you're a novice, you might also go back and read our papers on "Background Discussions", which uses Coffey examples to show what can be learned from several types of DNA testing. And you may also find it helpful to do an early read of the “Coffey Geography” section.


If you want some discussion of the various "groups" we have already tested, see the introductory discussion of our various groups. Perhaps you already have an idea of where you might fit in?


Or just poke around. (Click on your "back arrow" to return to previous page.)