Name:                     Aaron COPPOCK


Birth:                      25 Dec 1662             Cheshire, England

Death:                     10 Dec 1726             Nottingham, Chester Co., PA

Father:                     John COPPOCK (~1636-1709)

Mother:                   Susanne LOWE (1631-)

Other spouses:          Mary ORRELL


John COPPOCK (abt 1636 - 1709) & Susanne LOWE (1631 - )

    Aaron COPPOCK* (25 Dec 1662 - 10 Dec 1726) & Miriam SHORT (10 May 1664 - aft 1726)

        Miriam COPPOCK (1706 - ) & Richard JONES (abt 1700 - 16 Jul 1772)

            Richard JONES II (5 Dec 1732 - ) & Jemima HUFF (4 Jan 1742 - abt 1816)

                Mary JONES (1 Nov 1758 - 9 Jun 1853) & Robert WALKER Jr. (1 Sep 1748 - )

                    William WALKER* (27 Mar 1790 - Jun 1855) & Catharine KIMBREL (abt 1790 - 13 Aug 1835)

                        Bartlett Yancy WALKER* (Oct 1819 - aft 1906) & Frances Nixon MAXEY (1827 - 1891)

                            Cyrus WALKER* (7 Jan 1847 - Sep 1926) & Laura Etta MYERS (4 Jul 1853 - 28 May 1902)

                                Everett Elmer WALKER (6 Feb 1882 - 1948) & Linnie Ellen MACHLAN (1884 - 1974)

                                    Elsie Maureen WALKER (1903 - 1983) & Leo Newton COFFEY (1901 - 1998)


Misc. Notes


Aaron's birthday is listed by many as being October 25, 1662. The record  that is most commonly referred to as documentation says ye 25 day 10  month 1662. Prior to 1752, the 10th month was December, not October.

His baptism was definitely on Feb. 6, 1666. (Many think that this means the source for his birth date was in error, since it would be unusual to wait that long for baptism.)

Susan (his mother) died Oct. 16, 1684, and was buried at the Church of England in  Mobberly. This means at this point they were not Quakers. His first  born child was buried at the Church of England graveyard on Feb. 9,  1691. The first indication that he had turned Quaker was in 1695 when he  was fined 1 lb. for failure to tithe the Church of England. He paid the fine in corn. Somewhere between these dates Aaron and family must have turned Quaker.


Aaron immigrated from Pownall Fee, Cheshire Co, ENG to PA in 1701 as his certificate of removal was issued on 23 3rd mo 1701 OS (Old Style Calendar). This would have been 23 May, 1701.


From A Collection of Memorials Concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, and Parts adjacent, from nearly the first Settlement thereof in the Year 1787, (no author given, printed by Joseph Crukshank,

Market Street, Philadelphia, 1787,) pages 64-5:

"A testimony from Nottingham Monthly-Meeting in Pennsylvania, concerning Aaron Coppock.

"It appears he was born in Cheshire in Old England, the 25th of the tenth month 1662, was convinced of the truth when a young man, came to America soon after and lived near Chester; about the year 1714 he, with his family, settled at Nottingham in said county; being a man of an exemplary conduct and much esteemed by friends, he was chosen an elder for the particlar meeting of East-Nottingham, until he appeared in public testimony, and therein was often concerned to exhort friends to a life of self denial, watchfulness and prayer, the which he did in great sincerity, zeal and innocency. In the forepart of his last illness he complained of much poverty but before he died had a prospect of happiness, and a sure hope of obtaining the same. He departed this life on the 10th day of tenth month 1725, and was buried in friends burying ground in East Nottingham the 12th of the same month, aged sixty-three, and a minister 7 years."


His will is as follows: "I Aaron Coppock of Notingham being Sick &weak of body but of a Sound & well Disposing mind & Memory do Make this as my Last will & teftament revoking all other wills have heretofore been Made of done by me----- First my will is (that) my body be decently buried & (that) all my Just debts & funerall Charges be defrayed as Soon as Pofsible after my decease Secondly I give & bequath Unto my Son John Coppock ye plantation whereupon I Now Live when he comes of age but my will is (that) my wife Shall have liberty to live thereupon during her Natural life & to have ye Use of (that) house & buildings (that) half of the orchard & ye half of the other Improvements upon ye plantation to be at her own difpose while Shee lives & if my wife & Son John Sees Meet to part then my Son John to have Liberty to build Upon Some other part of ye Land where he Shall think Convenient & to have ye other hlf of ye Imrovement to his own proper Ufe when Equaly divided & after his mothers decease the whole to be for ye proper Use & behoofe of his & his heirs for Every whole tract containing one hundred Acres or therabouts Item I give Unto my daughter Lydia Coppock Tenn pound Item I give Unto my daughter Miriam Coppock Tenn pound (ye said) payments to be paid Unto them Two year after my decease but if they should be Married before ye time perfixed then ye Legacy to be paid them at ye day of Marriage ------ Item I give Unto my daughter Sarah Frayzer five Shillings Item I give Unto my dauther Martha Robinson five Shillings Item I give Unto My dauther Mary Sinclear five Shillings Item I give unto my Son In Law Ralph Thomson ye Money (that) is due to me Upon bill it being fourty Shillings ------ Item I give Unto my Son In law John White five Shillings. Item I give unto my Son In Law Samuell White five Shillings Item I give Unto my daughter In Law Elizabeth White five Shillings Lastly I ordaine & Conftitute my loving and welbeloved wife Miriam Coppock Sole Executrix of this my last will & Teftament & James King (Ring?) to be Afsistant to her therein In witnefs whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal Dated in Notingham In ye County of Chester & provicne of pensilvania ye 3d day of ye 10th mo 1726 Signed, Seal, publifhed and declared by ye within Named Aaron Coppock to be his Last will & testament In ye prefence of us Teftis James Wright Samuel Littler (Lighter?) Aaron Coppock prov: ye 17:10 (illegible) (C-1425c&d, 2150)


MEMORIAL: From A Collection of Memorials Concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Parts adjacent, from nearly the first Settlement thereof in the Year 1787 , no author given, printed by Joseph Crukshank, Market Street , Philadelphia, 1787, pages 64-5:


"Being a friend of sound judgement, and exemplary in his walking, he was, soon after his removal, chosen an elder, in which station he did not long continue, his heavenly Father having called him to the work of the ministry. During he short period that was allotted him to labour in this service, he was "concerned to exhort Friends to a life of self-denial, watchfulness and prayer." This his friends say "he did in great sincerity, zeal and innocence." He was diligent in the attendance of meetings, and, we doubt not, was often admitted to participate therein of that blessed communion which the humble worshippers of Christ Jesus do at seasons witness with him.

On the 1st day of the Tenth month, 1725, he was taken ill, and suffered greatly. During the early part of his sickness, poverty of spirit was his portion, and a consequent depression of mind. This dispensation, which was no doubt in infinite wisdom administered, soon passed away, leaving a blessed prospect of eternal happiness before him, with a sure hope that he should, through adorable mercy, partake thereof. In this assurance, knowing in whom he had believed, he departed this life, after a sickness of nine days. He was sixty three, and been engaged in the ministry of the gospel about seven."



Marriage:                 1690                       Pownall Fee, Cheshire, England

Spouse:                   Mary ORRELL

Birth:                      abt 1668                  Mobberly, Cheshire, England

Death:                     1701                       At Sea


Misc. Notes




Mary was living when Aaron and family were given a certificate of transfer. It indicated that on September 3, 1701 Aaron and family had left for Bristol, port of embarkation. She was not alive by the time  Aaron and children arrived in America. She either died en route to Bristol or at sea.



Aaron COPPOCK (25 Dec 1662 - 10 Dec 1726) & Mary ORRELL (abt 1668 - 1701)

    Sarah COPPOCK (12 Jul 1690 - )

    Aron COPPOCK (abt 1691 - 9 Feb 1691/92)

    Martha COPPOCK (3 Sep 1693 - )

    Aron COPPOCK (31 May 1696 - 25 Apr 1697)

    Aaron COPPOCK (1 Mar 1696/97 - 11 May 1698)

    Mary COPPOCK (11 May 1699 - )



Marriage:                 30 Nov 1704            Chichester, Chester Co., PA

Spouse:                   Miriam SHORT

Birth:                      10 May 1664            Ford Parrish, Sussex, England

Death:                     aft 1726                   PA

Father:                     Henry SHORT

Mother:                   Miriam INGRAM (-1682)


Misc. Notes

Arrived in Philadelphia in 1682 aboard the ship "Welcome". Miriam was a passenger on the ship "Welcome" that arrived in PA around Aug-Oct, 1682. Her mother and Uncle, Isaac, both died on board during a Smallpox epidemic. Miriam and her siblings were placed under the care of her mother’s brother, G. Ingram.

Shortly after their arrival in America, Miriam and a George Thompson were married by a Lawrence Lockenius, a Lutheran Minister. However she was apparently too young to marry, or was with child. Both were charged with violation of the laws of the province. No one appeared against George so the charges were dropped on Feb. 14, 1683. By Nov. 6, 1684, Miriam applied for public maintenance for herself and a young child. George Thompson either deserted her or their marriage was dissolved after the 1684 court date. In 1698, George was still around and listed among the married men of a church. She subsequently married a William White and bore him four children. William's will was probated on Sept. 14, 1703. (After his death she married Aaron.)

[History of Delaware County, pg. 474-476, 494-495]




Aaron COPPOCK (25 Dec 1662 - 10 Dec 1726) & Miriam SHORT (10 May 1664 - aft 1726)

    Miriam COPPOCK (1706 - ) & Richard JONES (abt 1700 - 16 Jul 1772)

    Lydia COPPOCK (1707 - )

    John COPPOCK (1 Jul 1709 - 18 May 1789)



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