Name:                     Ferdinand LEHMAN



Ferdinand LEHMAN & Christina GINTER

    Gotthelf F. LEHMAN (7 Jul 1884 - 14 May 1952) & Irma MALETSKY (7 Mar 1892 - 14 Jul 1966)

        Albert Llewellyn LEHMAN (30 Nov 1918 - 14 Jan 1995) & Carolyn Josephine WAMSER (10 Oct 1918 - )


Misc. Notes


Ferdinand was Lutheran prior to converting to Baptist.  My mother is unsure of (the family relationships) but she believes Ferdinand's wife (Christina) was first married to a Tripke and then after his death married Ferdinand Lehman.  She is unsure of the relationship between Emma and Gotthelf, at first thinking they were true brother-sister, but then we found a note indicating Emma was a half-sister.



I don't know any dates for Ferdinand, but he lived to the age of 89.  His second child's name was "Maria", not Emma, and she and Gotthelf were true brother-sister.  Maria had 1 child, named Otto, who is now a Baptist minister in East Germany.


Ferdinand had a farm in what is now East Germany.  Before that he ran a chemical plant, where an accident affected his eyesight.  He became blind early in his life.  He anticipated that a war in Europe was likely to occur soon, and sent his son (Gotthelf) to the U.S.



(His surname was Scholl.) “Otto Scholl was a Baptist minister – I don't know his wife’s name.  They had two children, boy and girl.  Otto had a spinster sister named Maria, no children. 


“When Hitler invaded Poland, Otto was inducted into the German army.  Wife and two children fled from Poland into Germany.  All contact was lost with Otto [because of the war] and wife and children.  Wife wrote to my father [Arthur Tripke] asking if they had heard from Otto.  Apparently Otto wrote also and that is how the two got together again, by the exchange of letters. 


“I do remember something about Otto's son being a musician and fled into free Germany (across the Berlin Wall).  Because of this, things became very hard on Otto, wife and daughter.  Chickens were confiscated, they were apparently left with not much as retaliation and were under much scrutiny.  


“At one time there was a letter… from Otto written to Uncle Al [I believe..could be wrong about who got the letter] asking for a motorcycle so that he could visit his congregation.  I believe he had very bad arthritis and his bike wasn't helping anymore.  We had a family meeting at Herbert Tripke's house to discuss the prospects of getting him one and how to go about doing it.  Someone called the consulate for help and it was suggested that it would be lost cause.  Even if the motorcycle would make it across the border, which was doubtful, any replacement parts would be totally out of the question for repairs.  Plus the cost of doing something like that was prohibitive.  Not sure how it all ended, but, no motorcycle was ever sent. 


“I met Maria, his sister, in Germany when I was about 18.  She told stories of visiting her brother, Otto, taking oranges or other precious goodies and sometimes they would be confiscated by the guards and other times she could pass through with them.  I suppose that is the one thing that struck me and stuck with me.  I do have at least one picture of Otto and wife and daughter and perhaps one of Maria too.



Spouse:                Anna Rosine GÜNTHER


Birth:                     4 Jun 1844            Joanka, Poland

Father:                   Daniel GÜNTHER (1812-1848)

Mother:                 Anna Dorothea NITSCHKE (1815->1861)

Other spouses:      Gottlieb TRIPKE


Misc. Notes

We had been using name “Christine Ginter”.


From Reinhold Jerke:

“Where to begin to tell what I know about the families? I started my family research more than 30 years ago and so it is a lot of information.


I think it is the best way to begin with the directly connection between us and that is the family of Anna Rosine Lehmann wid. Tripke nee Günther (in polish or russian documents Ginter).


Anna Rosine (also Rosa) Günther, born 4 June 1844 at the village of Joanka, baptized 16 June 1844 at Sobieseki (Lutheran church), date of death is unknown

1st Marriage 11 November 1861 at Sobieseki (Lutheran church) “



Other spouses:          ? TRIPKE



    Wilhelm TRIPKE (abt 1877 - ) & Augusta (abt 1881 - )

        Johanna TRIPKE (27 Dec 1902 - 14 Nov 1914)

        Arthur TRIPKE (19 Apr 1908 - 21 Apr 1965) & Elli REIN

        Herbert TRIPKE (7 Jan 1914 - 1 Nov 1997) & Ruth (9 Jun 1917 - Oct 1993)


Ferdinand LEHMAN & Anna Rosine GINTER/GUNTHER

    Gotthelf F. LEHMAN (7 Jul 1884 - 14 May 1952) & Irma MALETSKY (7 Mar 1892 - 14 Jul 1966)

        Arthur LEHMAN (?  - )

        Irma Virginia LEHMAN (19 Jul 1916 - ) & Harold J. LARASH

        Alice LEHMAN (23 Sep 1915 - ) & Carl Heinz LESCHE

        Albert Llewellyn LEHMAN (30 Nov 1918 - 14 Jan 1995) & Carolyn Josephine WAMSER (1918 - 2010)

    Maria (Emma?) LEHMAN & SCHOLL

        Pastor Otto SCHOLL

        Maria SCHOLL



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Fred Coffey
