NameDriden Elmer COFFEY 
Birth3 Jan 1880
Death19 Sep 1903
Misc. Notes
Census 1900: Elmer Coffee / b: abt Jan 1880 in IN / Son / Living in Richman, Wayne, Iowa
Census 1880: Driden E. Coffey / b: abt 1880 in IN / Son / Living in Jackson, Sullivan, Indiana
Humeston New Era
Sept 16, 1903
Elmer Coffey of Lewisburg, and his mother, Mrs. Malcena Coffey, accompanied by Dr. Smith, went to Keokuk last week to consult with physician's in regard to Mr. Coffey's health, having suffered for some time with stomach and bowel trouble. An operation was performed on him last Wednesday, and he is reported as improving.
September 23, 1903
Elmer Coffey, who was taken to Keokuk to be operated on for tuberculosis of the peritoneum, passed away about four o'clock last Saturday morning, and the remains were brought home that day. Funeral services were held Sunday at the unity church, south of town...
Humeston New Era
Wednesday September 25, 1903
Elmer D. Coffey, son of William and Martha Coffey, was born January 3, 1880 and departed this life September 19, 1903, aged 23 years, 4 months and 16 days.
Elmer had been sick about four weeks when he was taken to Keokuk to have an operation performed after which he only lived ten days. He leaves a mother, five brothers and a sister. During his sickness he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and when the shadows of death were gathering around him his faith in God knew no obscurity, and his soul was happy in singing songs of praise to the One who was to guide him over the valley of death. He asked his mother and brothers who were by his bedside in his last moments, to meet him in Heaven, and he requested them to tell his associates that he was prepared to go and for them to live that they might meet him on the other shore, where parting would be no more. Peaceful and resigned he passed into the valley of death, covered with brilliant sunshine, and found rest for all his sufferings. Elmer was a noble young man of good habits and well loved by everyone who knew him.
He leaves behind, besides his kindred and friends, the rich legacy of a splendid character. The funeral services were conducted at the Unity church by Rev. A.K. Williams, of Humeston. After services at the church the Yeomen Lodge of Cambria, of which Elmer was a dutiful Brother Archer, were requested to have funeral ceremonies. The Cambria Homestead No. 100 was assisted by Archers from Humeston in the ceremonies. Besides the fifty-six teams which followed the remains to the last resting place was a host of friends assembled at the cemetery to contribute their last respects to the departed and join with the relatives in lifting their tearful eyes toward Heaven, and in Christian hope exclaiming, " We will meet beyond the river." His remains were laid beside his father in the Kirby Cemetery there to await the Resurrection of the just.
Humeston New Era
October 14, 1903
A Prompt Settlement
Mrs. Malcena Coffey, mother of Elmer Coffey, who was buried a short time ago, received a check one day last week for twenty-four hundred and eighty-seven dollars and eighty cents, from Brotherhood of American Yeoman, for a policy which Elmer held in that order at death. He being a member of Cambria Homestead No. 100. The check being received in just nine days from the time the application was made. The Yeomen are very prompt in paying their claims.
Kirby Cemetery
Wayne County
Iowa, USA