Misc. Notes
Cinthia Ann, widow of John Hostetter, married Josiah Vermillion 20 Jan 1839.
MO Miscellany - Vol V, Pike County, Probate Record #2, 1834-1840, pg. 67:
"Vermillion, Josiah - will dated 20 July 1839. Wife, Cynthia, one half of a tract of land in Pike Co, 80 acres, (description) and the other half to my heir with which my wife is now pregnant. One half of my slaves, 7 in number (Milley, Adam, Sarah, Elwesa, Samuel, Doctor & Nancy Lance) to my wife and remaining half to my above described heir. 40 acres of land to the heirs of John Hostetter decd (description). Exrx, wife Cynthia. Wit: ABS Inlow and John Horne.
Filed 28 Aug 1839. L/T granted Cynthia Ann Vermillion. Sec, Enoch Hostetter, Saml Realing & James Bailey. Heirs: Rezin Vermillion & Nichodemus Vermillion, bros, of Pike Co & one or more bros elsewhere, residence not known. Additional bond required. Sec, John G. Sheilds and Henry Early, 3 Nov 1840."
Cynthia Vermillion is listed. There appear to be 5 children, also one older female (age 50-60)
Birthabt 1800
Death1 Mar 1842, Pike, MO