Misc. Notes
(CHalkley) NOVEMBER 18, 1747.
(318) Jennet Steel, widow of David Steel, qualified Admx. James Caulton, &c., and John Mitchell appraisers
(3) Rebecca Steel chose Nathaniel Steel her guardian.
Chalkley Vol III, Abstracts of Wills of Augusta County, Virginia, Augusta County Court, Will Book No. 1.
Page 64.--14th September, 1747. David Steele's will--Farmer, son
Robert, plantation; wife; son, Nathaniel; daughters, Martha Teas, Isabella
McCluer, 5 shillings; daughters, Rebecka, Jannet. Executors, Samuel Doak
and Robert Ramsey; refused to execute. Teste: Wm. Steel, Geo. Brakenridge,
Robert Alexander. Proved, 18th November, 1747, by Brakenridge
and Alexander.
Page 66.--18th November, 1747. Jannet Steel qualifies administratrix
on above with sureties Wm. Henderson, David Camell.
Page 67.--19th November, 1747. Robert Brakenridge qualifies guardian
of Lettice Brakenridge, orphan of Alex. Brakenridge, with surety James
Bell. Lettice chose her guardian.
Page 68.--26th November, 1747. David Steel's appraisement by James
Fulton, Charles Campbell and John Mitchell. Books. Cash due by Isaac
Roads. Cash due Jno. Teas. Cash due executors of Thos. Steel, deceased.
Cash due to Thos. Johnston. Recorded, 17th February, 1747-8.
Page 79.--18th May, 1747. Nathl. Steel qualifies guardian of Rebecca
Steel, orphan of David Steel, with sureties David Dryden and Moses Steel.
Rebecca chose her guardian.
Page 254.--10th August, 1750. Andrew Boyd's appraisement, by James
Fulton, Wm. Moore and Robert Alexander. Jennet Steel's note; Alex.
McCorkle's note; David Moore's note.
Birth8 Jun 1708, Derry, Ireland
Death1747, Augusta Co, VA