NameJacobus Wernhardt “Werner” SPÖNHAUER 
Birth16 Jul 1719, Muttenz, Basell, Switzerland
Death6 Jun 1787, Bethania, Forsyth, NC
Misc. Notes
(There may be an issue regarding Wernhart’s wife. The majority of genealogies claim Eva’s mother, Wernhart’s second wife and the mother of most of his children, was Elizabeth LOHNER, not Anna Elizabeth KRON. Based on the connections in these church records, I’m now convinced they are almost certainly WRONG! See discussion with Lorentz Kron.)
(Sponhauer is not an ancestor, but has several interactions with ancestors. For the record, following are some references from the “Private Pastorial Record” of Jacob Lischy: (For additional citations, see “Lorentz Kron” file.)
P218: Johan Jacob of Johannes Messner and Barbara, baptized May 6,1750. Sponsors: Eberhard Sponhauer and Vronica.” (I can’t figure these out.)
P225: “Elisabeth of Sebastian Hellman and Margretha, baptized November 4, 1752. Sponsors: Barnhardt Sponhauer and Elisabeth.” (This was troublesome, because I couldn’t find a “Bernhardt Sponhauer”. But on reflection I’m sure it was “Wernhardt”, not “Bernhardt”! Note: I believe the “Hellman” family at P225, P228 and P236 are the same.)
P230: Anna Elisabeth of Niclaus Stambach and Barbara, baptized January 15, 1755. Sponsors: Wernhard Sponhauer and Elisabetha.” (Genealogies show Anna Elisabeth Stambach born in York County was a daughter of Nicholas Stambach and his wife Anna Barbara Schmeisser. They were probably just family friends of the Sponhauer’s?)
P62 (Vol 3, for St. Jacob’s (Stone) Union Church in York County: For twins “Johann Heinrich” and “Anna Elisabetha”, born 5 Aug 1762, baptized 26 Sep 1762.
MORAVIAN DIARIES: (Note: “Heinrich” is Werner’ brother)
Bethabara, 1766: “May 5. A young man from the Congaree passed on his way to Werner Spoenhauer on the Berseba.”
Visit to Governor Tryon, March 1766, in response to a request for a recommendation: “I answered there was one man who understood the English Laws fairly well, and could speak English, though he was only a farmer, Heinrich Spoenhauer; he told me to give his name to the Secretary.” (There are many other references to Heinrich Spoenhauer in these diaries. Also references to his wife Elizabeth, and a son Heinrich Jr.)
Bethania Diary, 1778: “June 3. Johann Jacob Spoenhauer came to me with the request that I would visit him and his brother-in-law Arny, and baptize their children.” (They’re talking about the baptism of Heinrich “Henry” Arney's baby son Jacob Arney, born 18 Mar 1778, proving that Henry was there in 1778. Henry is Jacob Arney’s son, and the new baby is my ancestor.)
Salem 1779: “…Bethania people… are becoming too partisan in the present strife… he hears that the older Strubs are going to take the young Spoenhauers from Bethania to their farm…” (They’re talking about worries that the British may attack. Think the “young” are the children of Johann Jacob Spoenhauer?)
Bethania 1781: “May 3. Br. Spönhauer, Sr., was very ill, and asked me to rewrite his Will, made several years ago, as he wished several changes. This was done, and it was signed and witnessed today.” (Took me a while to figure out that any reference to “Senior” refers to Heinrich. Heinrich had a son who was “Junior”.)
Bethabara 1785: “May 8. “ rode with Peter Hauser to our neighbor, Michael Spoenhauer, whose little son died day before yesterday and was to be buried today.”
Bethania, 1787: “June 6. We were in Salem for the Conference. Spoenhauer, Sr. (that would be Heinrich) brought me word that his brother (that would be Werner) had passed away at three o’clock, and asked me (that would be “Fr. Beck”, see next note) to hold his funeral.”
Salem 1787: “June 8. Br. Valentine Beck went from Bethania to the farm of a neighbor, Werner Spoenhauer, who passed out of time on the 6th. The departed, who led a blameless life, was visited during his last illness by his own brother and other Brethren from Bethania. Fr. Beck preached the funeral sermon to more than 150 people.”
Bethania 1787: “Dec. 1. I rode with Spoenhauer, Sr., to the home of Mr. Daub, who had asked me to come and baptize his daughter, born on the 8th of August of this year.”
“ “ 1806: “Oct. 7. Johann Jacob Spönhauer, who lives in a section where many of the settlers are descendants of Brethren, has expressed a wish that they might be helped to a Brother who would live among them and teach their children, especially instructing them in English. Worthwhile as this desore is, for the present our conditions are such that little can be done to meet it.” (The Diaries in this time period have many references to “Johann Jacob” and to the “Spönhauer Settlement”.
Birth6 Nov 1730, Essenheim, Germany
Death8 Jun 1787, Bethania, Forsyth, NC
Birth1728, York Co, PA
Death1751, York Co, PA