NameRobert WILLIAMS 
Birth24 Jul 1607, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Death1 Sep 1693, Roxbury, Suffolk, MA
BurialBurial:-Eliot Burying Ground -Roxbury-Suffolk County
Misc. Notes
Stephen WILLIAMS (1584 - 1625) & Margaret COOKE (1591 - 1625)
Robert WILLIAMS (1607 - 1693) & Elizabeth STALHAM (1608 - 1674)
Elizabeth WILLIAMS (1626 - 1662) & Richard CUTTER (1621 - 1693)
William CUTTER (1650 - 1723) & Rebecca ROLFE (1662 - 1751)
John CUTTER (1690 - 1776) & Lydia HARRINGTON (1689 - 1755)
Mary CUTTER (1715 - 1805) & Ephriam FROST III (1715 - 1799)
Amos FROST (1762 - 1850) & Lydia BEMIS (1767 - 1855)
Susan FROST (1801 - 1866) & Thomas TEEL (1799 - 1873)
Abner Gardner TEELE Sr. (1837 - <1870) & Ellen SMITH (~1847 - )
Gardner Abner TEELE Jr.* (1868 - ) & Emma A (1868 - <1920)
Louis Gardner TEELE Sr. (1889 - 1982) & Grace BOULTON (1890 - 1943)
Louis Gardner TEELE Jr. (1913 - 2004) & Margaret Catherine SLINE (1943 - )
“(I) Robert Williams appears by name among the early members of the church in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where he became a freeman, May 2. 1638. The place of his birth and early life was for a long time a matter of conjecture: but in 1893, two hundred years after his death, there was found in Norwich, England, an indenture of apprenticeship of Nicholas, son of the late Stephen Williams, of Yarmouth, cordwainer (shoemaker), to Robert Williams, and another record stating that Robert was in 1635 warden of the guild of cordwainers and sealer of leather for the city of Norwich. Later was found in the register of the church of St. Nicholas at Great Yarmouth, a record of the marriage of Stephen Williams and Margaret Cooke, September 22, 1605. Also baptisms of the following named children: Robert, December 11, 1608, Nicholas, August 11, 1616: John, February 2, 1618; Frances, June 10, 1621. There was an elder sister Ann; Robert was born in July, 1607; was baptized when eighteen months old in December, 1608; was married to Elizabeth Stalham probably before 1630. and had four children, two sons and two daughters, born to him in England, all of whom accompanied him to America. In 1905 it was discovered that Elizabeth Stalham was baptized in 1595, which shows that she was nearly thirteen years older than her husband. "She was of a good family and had been delicately reared and when her husband desired to come to America, though a truly religious woman, she dreaded the undertaking and shrunk from the hardships to be encountered. While the subject was still under consideration she had a dream foreshadowing that if she went to America she would become the mother of a long line of worthy ministers of the gospel. The dream so impressed her that she cheerfully rose up and began to prepare to leave her home and kindred for the new and distant land." The dream was fulfilled, but not in the mother's day. for she died October 24, 1674, leaving no son in the christian ministry. Nine years afterward, her grandsons, John and William Williams, cousins, graduated from Harvard College, two of a class of three and the day of fulfillment began. Robert Williams was much interested in education and made liberal arrangements to assist the free schools, was a subscriber to and for many years a trustee of the funds raised for their benefit, and was one of the most influential men in town affairs. He disposed of his property by will, which is still extant. The children of John and Elizabeth, so far as known, were: Samuel, Mary, a daughter, John, Isaac, Stephen, Thomas.
The eldest son of Stephen and Margaret (Cooke) Williams, of St. Nicholas Parish, Great Yarmouth, England. He was baptized 11 Dec 1608. In 1623, he left his father's house and went to Norwich where he was apprenticed to be a cordwainer. He embarked for Boston on 20 Jun 1637 on the ship "Rose" and after arrival in Roxbury became a freeman on 2 May 1638. From 1647-1653 he was one of the 5 selectmen there. In 1644 he became a member of the Ancient and Honorble Artillery Company. The homestead of Robert Williams (1644), in which five generations of the family lived and died, remained standing until 1794, upon the site now occupied by the large brick dwelling-house on Dearborn Street, near the school-house. He came from Norwich, England, "and is the common ancestor of the divines, civilians, and warriors of this name, who have honored the country of their birth."
Birth11 Sep 1608, Tombland, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Death28 Jul 1674, Roxbury, Suffolk, MA
Marriage11 Dec 1628, Norwich, Norfolk, England