NameSamuel WALKER 
Birthabt 1615, England
Death6 Nov 1684, Woburn, Middlesex, MA
Misc. Notes
Samuel WALKER (~1615 - 1684) & Hannah
Ensign Israel WALKER* (1648 - 1719) & Susanna BALDWIN (1652 - 1694)
Phebe WALKER (1676 - 1742) & Joseph REED (~1661 - 1741)
Phebe REED (1695 - 1776) & James PIERCE (1690 - 1773)
Esther PIERCE (1734 - 1772) & Ammi CUTTER (1733 - 1795)
Lydia CUTTER (1757 - 1831) & Jonathan TEEL (1754 - 1828)
Thomas TEEL (1799 - 1873) & Susan FROST (1801 - 1866)
Abner Gardner TEELE Sr. (1837 - <1870) & Ellen SMITH (~1847 - )
Gardner Abner TEELE Jr.* (1868 - ) & Emma A (1868 - <1920)
Louis Gardner TEELE Sr. (1889 - 1982) & Grace BOULTON (1890 - 1943)
Louis Gardner TEELE Jr. (1913 - 2004) & Margaret Catherine SLINE (1943 - )
SOURCE: "Samuel Walker, of Woburn, Mass., and some of his descendants. By Arthur G. Loring and William R. Cutter" , Published 1905. (This book is available online.)
Samuel Walker died in Woburn, Nov. 6, 1684. He was aged 44, or thereabouts, in 1661, as per affidavit of himself and his son Samuel Walker, made April 2, 1661. He was first mentioned in a Woburn tax list in 1655, and held various town offices. In the Middlesex Co. Court Files is the following petition relating to his business:
“To the honoured Magistrates assembled at ye County Court houlden at Cambridge
The petition of Samuell Walker of Ye Town of Woobum Humblee Sheweth That whereas ye petitioner not longe since by advise of his friends did set upon the trade of stilling strong waters, and for ye end by reason of his wife’s weaknes, purdiased a place near ye meeting House where in buildinge, and other Vtinsels for ye work, he hath expended about Two hundred pounds which would be of little use unto him should he not goe on with ye Trade and more eSpedallie seeing ye petition: is resolued through Gods assistance to prevent as much as in him lies the too frequent abuse thereof, nor shall he be wantinge to obserie ye bounds and rules for; should you be pleased to grant him license for the retailinge of Liquors.
The premises considered we whos names are underwritten, humblee request this honoured Court that they would be pleased to grant ye petitioner license not onlie to still, But allso to sell stronge water by ye quart so long as he shall observe ye wholsam kws and rules ye the Supreme power, and this Court Shall set for preventing ye abuse thereof That to we may not be driven to goe to more remote Towns for a supply of our necesitie hearin, when we maie ( if you shall be pleased to graut ye request) have Supply at home." The following citizens of Wobum signed this petition: John. Knight, John Wvman, John Mousall, Jr., John Cutler, Michael Lepingwell, Joseph Wright, Francis Kendall, Jonathan Thompson, John Wilson, Joseph Carter, Robert Peirce, Isaac Cole, John Carter, James Converse, Thomas Fuller, Henry Brooks, William Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Francis Wyman, William Simonds, William Locke, Samuel Blodgett, George Reed, William Clark, George Bruoe, John Farrar, Edward Johnson, John Wright, Edward Converse, John Moosall, Sr., James Thompson, Thomas Peirce, John Russell, Edward Winn, Bartholomew Pearson, Allen Converse John Wright, John Tidd, Moses Cleaveland, Matthew Smith, Philip Knight, Joseph Knight.
(NOTE: The names in bold above appear to be those found elsewhere in this genealogy!)
The answer to this petition is found in the records of the County Court, the petition being granted in April, 1662. Henry Summers succeeded him as innkeeper in Woburn, in 1682.
Samuel Walker was for a time a resident of Reading, and all of his children by his first wife were born there- The Reading church records state that, at some time after March 26, 1 650, he was admitted to the fellowship of the church, and his wife with him. His connection with Reading ceases in 1654.