NameJohn ROLFE 
Birth10 May 1634, Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England
Death1 Oct 1681, Newbury, Essex, MA
Misc. Notes
Henry ROLFE (1585 - 1643) & Honour ROLFE (1593 - 1650)
John ROLFE (1634 - 1681) & Mary SCULLARD (1642 - 1687)
Rebecca ROLFE (1662 - 1751) & William CUTTER (1650 - 1723)
John CUTTER (1690 - 1776) & Lydia HARRINGTON (1689 - 1755)
Mary CUTTER (1715 - 1805) & Ephriam FROST III (1715 - 1799)
Amos FROST (1762 - 1850) & Lydia BEMIS (1767 - 1855)
Susan FROST (1801 - 1866) & Thomas TEEL (1799 - 1873)
Abner Gardner TEELE Sr. (1837 - <1870) & Ellen SMITH (~1847 - )
Gardner Abner TEELE Jr.* (1868 - ) & Emma A (1868 - <1920)
Louis Gardner TEELE Sr. (1889 - 1982) & Grace BOULTON (1890 - 1943)
Louis Gardner TEELE Jr. (1913 - 2004) & Margaret Catherine SLINE (1943 - )
SOURCE: Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.
John Rolfe was originally of Newbury, and married there Mary Scullard (daughter of Samuel), 4 Dec. 1656. Rolfe died suddenly at the house of his brother Benjamin Rolfe, at Newbury, 1 Oct. 1681, where he made a nuncupative will, and said he would, if he could write the next day, write his will, but in the meanwhile deceased before he could finish the same.
1681. ‘Granted to Widow Rolfe to make a dam above the old mill-pond to keep water in, for to accommodate the mill with water.’ —Proprietors' Records.
The ‘old mill-pond’ was at the mill established by Colonel Cooke. The above may be the origin of the dam at the privilege of the late Cyrus Cutter.
1683. Mary Rolfe, of Cambridge, widow and administratrix of John Rolfe, deceased, to Richard Gardner, for £ 20, sells one fifth of a farm of 600 acres at Vine Brook in Cambridge, called Cooke's farm, [13] and other lands; he, the said Gardner, being a joint purchaser with her husband John Rolfe, ‘of a farm of 600 acres, formerly Capt. George Cooke's, given him by the town of Cambridge, at a place commonly called Vine Brook.’ In consideration of the premises being all paid and done to the full satisfaction of her said husband in his lifetime, and the said Richard Gardner having no deed of conveyance of a one-fifth part of said farm, according to covenant while her husband lived, she conveys a portion of the above estate, Oct. 2, 1683. (Midd. Registry, VIII. 402.)
John Rolfe's nuncupative will, Oct. 1, 1681, gives his son John Rolfe the land that he, the father, now lived upon in Cambridge, with the mill and houses upon it; excepting one acre of land ‘which I have given unto my son William Cutter.’ His farm he gave to his other sons, to be equally divided among them, they paying legacies to their sisters out of the estate (the legacies to the daughters being according to the discretion of his overseers). The overseers he appointed and ordered were Richard Doell [Dole], Benjamin Rolfe, George Little, Francis Moore, John Gardner. Dec. 16, 1681, Sarah ‘Halle,’ aged 45, and Apphia Rolfe, aged 40 [wife of Benjamin and sister-in-law of John Rolfe], testified to being ‘at Benjamin Rolfe's hous in nubery that night that John Rolfe deceased,’ and ‘heard him declare that he had appointed and did desire his two brothers Ri. Dowell and Benj. Rolf, and Geo. Little of nubery, and his cousin John Gardner of Oborne [Woburn], and his naybor Moore to be his overseers, and take care of his wife and children, and settle his estate as they thought best, giving this reason that he was in such extremity of pain that he was not able to settle things himself.’
The inventory of his estate, dated Dec. 19, 1681, mentions the ‘homeland and housing and orchard,’ and three quarters of the corn-mill and the meadow belonging to it—the meadow being in Charlestown bounds; also the ‘farm,’ containing 500 acres more or less. This was the property he bought in 1670 of Miss Mary Cooke.
Birth9 Jan 1642, Newbury, Essex, MA
Death10 Apr 1687, Cambridge, Middlesex, MA
Marriage4 Dec 1656, Newbury, Essex, MA