NameJohn TIDD 
Birthabt 1591, Hertford, Hertfordshire, England
Death24 Apr 1657, Woburn, Middlesex, MA
Misc. Notes
John TIDD (~1563 - ) & Agnes DANE (~1568 - )
John TIDD (~1591 - 1657) & Margaret GREENLEAF (~1595 - 1651)
Mary TIDD (1620 - ) & Francis KENDALL (1612 - 1708)
Elizabeth KENDALL (1653 - 1715) & James PIERCE (1659 - 1742)
James PIERCE (1690 - 1773) & Phebe REED (1695 - 1776)
Esther PIERCE (1734 - 1772) & Ammi CUTTER (1733 - 1795)
Lydia CUTTER (1757 - 1831) & Jonathan TEEL (1754 - 1828)
Thomas TEEL (1799 - 1873) & Susan FROST (1801 - 1866)
Abner Gardner TEELE Sr. (1837 - <1870) & Ellen SMITH (~1847 - )
Gardner Abner TEELE Jr.* (1868 - ) & Emma A (1868 - <1920)
Louis Gardner TEELE Sr. (1889 - 1982) & Grace BOULTON (1890 - 1943)
Louis Gardner TEELE Jr. (1913 - 2004) & Margaret Catherine SLINE (1943 - )
?embarked from England 20 June 1637, 'Mary Anne', Boston, with family for
Charlestown Ma?
JOHN TIDD with his family "came early" to New England. He was an inhabitant of Charlestown, Mass. in 1637, and was the John Teed who, with thirty-one others, signed the Town Orders for Woburn, December 18, 1640. John Tydd is on a list of freemen 10 May 1643. Woburn records give the name as Tidd but unfortunately the historian of Woburn confuses him with a much younger man, the John Tidd, aged 19, who came as a servant to Samuel Greenfield and family in 1637 and with them went first to Salem, then to Hampton, and with Samuel Greenfield and others signed in Exeter, May 12, 1643, the petition to the General Court concerning that town. As John Tedd he is listed as still in Exeter November 4, 1647. Page 175
His will was dated 9th of April, a fortnight before his death, and shows that he had a second wife, Alice, a son John and two surviving daughters (Elizabeth and Mary whom he appointed to execute the will) Also named were: son Savell (William Savell whose wife had been Hannah Tidd) and seven grandchildren. These were the four Savell children, my son Samuel's daughter, Thomas Fuller, who was Elizabeth's son, and John Kendall, who was Mary's son. page 175
Above From: The New England Ancestry of Dana Converse Backus by Mary E. N. Backus
NOTE: Many genealogies indicate that his second wife was “Alice Teel”. But none give info on Alice’s family, all say she was born in England.
His will dated 9 April 1656 probated 10 Nov. Will of John Tidd "I Jno Tid seinr of Woburne Towne in the Country of Middlesex, Taylor, being in good & perfect memory, make this my last Will and testamt in forme and manner following renouncing all formr Wills by me made. Dated the 9th of the 2d mo 1656 I Will & bequeath Allice my beloved Wife the house wherein I now dwell together with all the land and orchard thereunto belonging as also one Cow and twelve bushels of Wheate Rie and Indian, of each a like proporccon provided shee shall enjoy the house and land until the day of her death or Six years after her next mariage, provided it be kept in good repaire, and then to come and remaine to my 3 grand children, Benjamin Savell, Hannah Savell and my Sonne Samuels Daughter equal between them, as also I give my wife all my household stuffe shee brought with her.
It. I give to my two grand Children Jno & Samuel Savel, Twenty shillings to either of them.
It. I ordaine my two Daughters Mary and Elizabeth to be the Executours of this my last Will and testament.
It. I give to my beloved wife Allice one hog of a yeare old, & one bedstead, & shred Coverlett
Edward Johnson Witness Jno Tid Memr I the above named Jno Tid Senior do give to my son John the vallue of five pounds to be payed within two years after my decease by my Executrixes, and further that my Executrixes shal bestow forty shillings on the most
needful repairs of my now dwelling house and further my Will is that my Sonne Savell shall keep the porcons bequeathed to my GrandChildren till they come of age assuming my son Samuels Daughters [sic], as his owne. It. I give to my two Grand Children Thomas ffuller and Jno Kendall Sixteen accrs of land lately purchased of Thomas Chamberline equally to be divided between them, and one parcell of meadow lying in step Rocke to be divided between them also. And my further Will is the parcell of meadow lying in Maple meadow shall go with my house.
Witness Edward Johnson John Tid Richard Snow his marke R.
This Will is testified upon the oath of Richard Snow to be the last Will & testamt of Jno Tid of Woburne before us. John Endecott Govr Humph Attherton
Birthabt 1595, Yarmouth, England
Death1651, Woburn, Middlesex, MA