NameDeacon Ralph MOUSALL 
Birth1587, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Death30 Apr 1657, Charleston, Suffolk, MA
Misc. Notes
Deacon Ralph MOUSALL (1587 - 1657) & Alice DAKIN (1607 - 1675)
Mary MOUSALL (1633 - 1669) & Nathaniel BALL (1625 - 1705)
Eleazar BALL (1650 - 1698) & Priscilla WOOD (1654 - 1687)
Priscilla BALL (~1676 - ) & Isaac MILLER (1670 - 1741)
James MILLER (1699 - 1766) & Sarah BRUCE (1700 - 1747)
Ebenezer MILLER (1725 - 1809) & Hannah HOW ( - 1797)
Samuel Willard MILLER (1772 - ) & Sarah (Salley) GAY (~1775 - )
Hannah Clark MILLER (1807 - 1883) & John SMITH (1802 - 1881)
Ellen SMITH (~1847 - ) & Abner Gardner TEELE Sr. (1837 - <1870)
Gardner Abner TEELE Jr.* (1868 - ) & Emma A (1868 - <1920)
Louis Gardner TEELE Sr. (1889 - 1982) & Grace BOULTON (1890 - 1943)
Louis Gardner TEELE Jr. (1913 - 2004) & Margaret Catherine SLINE (1943 - )
ORIGIN: Unknown
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: "Ralph Mousall and Alice his wife" admitted to Boston church as members #72 and #73, which would be in the winter of 1630-1 [ BChR 13]; on 14 October 1632 "Raph Mousall and Alice his wife" dismissed to the church at Charlestown [BChR 16]; Ralph and Alice Mousall were admitted to Charlestown church as founding members, 2 November 1632 [ ChChR 7]. Deacon of Charlestown church (from death record, but probably deacon for many years before).
FREEMAN: Requested 19 October 1630 and admitted 18 May 1631 (both times as "Ralfe Mushell") [ MBCR 1:80, 366].
EDUCATION: His inventory included "books" valued at £1 10s. Her inventory included "Bibles and other books" valued at £1 3s.
OFFICES: Charlestown deputy to General Court, 25 May 1636, 7 May 1651 [MBCR 1:173, 3:220], and also chosen for that office in September 1638, but not seated [MBCR 1:236]. Commissioner for repair of prison house, 22 May 1651 [MBCR 1:232]. Commissioner to end small causes at Charlestown, 23 May 1655 [MBCR 3:395].
Charlestown committee to set rates for labor, 28 November 1636 [ ChTR 23]. Charlestown appointee to grand jury for "the court in March," 17 February 1636/7 [ChTR 25].
ESTATE: Had a share of three in the hayground, increased to four, 1635 [ChTR 19, 20]. Had five acres Mystic Side in Charlestown, 1637 [ChTR 27]. Has three and a quarters shares of hayground, 1637 [ChTR 33]. In the Mystic Side allotments received parcels of fifteen, forty and five acres, 23 April 1638 [ChTR 36]. Had four and a quarter cow commons, 30 December 1638 [ChTR 42].
In the 1638 Charlestown Book of Possessions "Ralph Moussell" held eight parcels of land: four acres and a half in High Field, with "a dwelling house and other appurtenances thereunto"; five roods of arable land in High Field (later annotated as sold to Robert Leach); five acres hay ground and pasture in High Field; four and a half milch cow commons; one acre meadow in High Field Marsh; five acres woodland in Mystic Marshes (later annotated as sold to Peter Tufts); fifteen acres woodland in Mystic Field; and fifty acres land in Water Field [ ChBOP 24].
On 8 December 1648 Ralph "Mowshole" sold to George Fowle "all the housing and the garden ground (which the said Mowshole formerly built and dwelt in by the way to the penny ferry) and two cow commons and one haylot, with one acre of field in exchange for Fowle maintaining their common fence and £50 [ MLR 5:14]. On 17 December 1649 Ralph Mousall sold to Robert Leach, both of Charlestown, one acre of arable land [MLR 8:91].
In his will, dated 13 April 1657 (with codicil dated 28 April 1657) and proved 23 June 1657, Ralph Mousall of Charlestown bequeathed "to my son John Mousall £200 whereof I have given him already £140, the other £60 to be paid him after the decease of my wife Ales Mousall," these payments to be in land; to "my son Thomas the house he doth now dwell in and yards & backsides"; to "my daughters Elizabeth Mousall and to Mary Mousall," £3 apiece; to "my brother John Mousall" 20s.; to "my daughter Ruth Wood" £20; to "my daughter Mary Gove £15 at age eighteen"; to "my cousin Nathaniell Ball and to my cousin Mary Waine" £4 apiece; to Thomas Osbourne 40s.; to William Crouch 40s.; to William Streeter 20s.; to Widow Stubs 30s.; to "my dear friend and countrywoman Mrs. Greene" 20s.; to "my dear and loving wife Ales Mousall" all lands for life and then to my two sons, she to be executrix and residuary legatee; to "loving friends Mr. Richard Russell, Thomas Linde and Robert Hale, overseers"; to Robert Hale £5. In the codicil of 28 April 1657 Mousall stated that "God having by his good grace given to my son Thomas Mousall a young son" I bequeath him £50 at age 20 [ MPR 1:109-12].
The inventory of the estate of "Deacon Ralph Mousall of Charlestowne" was taken 30 May 1657 and totalled £872 14s., of which £450 was real estate [MPR Case #15622].
The inventory of Alice Mousall, taken 4 February 1674[/5], totalled £335 18s. 2d., including £292 in real estate: "a house, barn and orchard and twenty acres of plowland, pasture and meadow with the fencing belonging to it," £200; "two divisions of a woodlot on Mistickside," £20; and "twelve cow commons and 3/4 of a common," £72 [MPR 4:162].
BIRTH: By about 1603 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH: "Deacon Ralph Mousall" died Charlestown 30 April 1657 [ ChVR 1:19].
MARRIAGE: By about 1628 (assuming she was his only wife) Alice _____. On 20 March 1662[/3] and 13 July 1663 Ales Mousall the "much honored mother" of Thomas Mousall joined her son in several deeds [MLR 2:196, 376]. According to Charlestown records "Alise Mousall, widow of Ralph Mousall" died Charlestown 1677 [ChVR 1:100; record is incomplete, lacking day and month], but her inventory is dated 4 February 1674/5. (Savage unsuccessfully attempts to resolve this discrepancy by stating that she died in 1667.)
i JOHN, b. about 1628 (died 1 February 1702/3 aged 74 years [ChVR 1:183]); m. (1) by 1659 Elizabeth Richardson, daughter of Samuel Richardson (eldest child b. Charlestown 6 July 1659 [ChVR 1:39]); m. (2) Charlestown 26 March 1686 Eleanor How [ChVR 1:129]; m. (3) Charlestown 24 April 1695 Mercy Mirick [ChVR 1:166].
ii THOMAS, bp. Charlestown 25 May 1633 [ChChR 45]; m. (1) by 1655 Mary Richardson, daughter of Samuel Richardson (eldest child b. Charlestown 5 April 1655 [ChVR 1:18]); m. (2) Charlestown 21 April 1679 Mary Moore [ChVR 1:106].
ASSOCIATIONS: John Mousall, brother of Ralph, had arrived in Charlestown by 1634 [ChTR 11; ChChR 8].
On 7 October 1647 Aspinwall recorded that "Wm Jones of or near the city of Canti [Canterbury] in the County of Kent" appointed "Mr. Francis Norton of Charls towne" attorney to recover goods now in the possession of "Raph Mousall of Charls towne or whomsoever else" and convert them to money [ Aspinwall 88-89].
COMMENTS: "Ralph Mousall" was admitted as an inhabitant of Charlestown in 1630 [ChTR], and was in the lists of inhabitants dated 9 January 1633/4 and January 1635/6 [ChTR 10, 15].
On 15 November 1637 "Ralph Mousall acknowledged his sin in subscribing the seditious writing [in favor of Rev. John Wheelwright], & desired to have his hand crossed out, which was yielded him" [MBCR 1:209]. On 6 September 1638 "Ralfe Mousall, being questioned about speeches formerly spoken by him in approbation of Mr. Wheeleright, was dismissed from being a member of the Court" [MBCR 1:236]. (Mousall must have been sent by Charlestown as deputy to the 6 September court, as Charlestown is listed with only two deputies for this court, while all the other older towns had three.)
The two sons of Ralph Mousall married the two daughters of Samuel Richardson. In her will of 20 June 166- [date incomplete] Joanna Richardson, widow of Samuel, included a bequest to "my daughter Elizabeth and Mary Mousall" (elsewhere in the will she used the singular "son" to refer to two of her sons) [MPR 4:107-08].
None of the four "daughters" named by Ralph Mousall in his will was born to him and his wife Alice; two of them, Elizabeth Mousall and Mary Mousall, were his daughters-in-law, married to his sons John and Thomas, and the other two, Ruth Wood and Mary Gove, were wards of the Mousall family, taken in by agreement with members of the Wood and Gove families [ TG 9:98, 136].
Wyman states that Mary Moore, the second wife of Thomas Mousall, was widow of a John Moore who died in Virginia; but this John Moore with wife "Marie" had daughter Jane born at Charlestown on 15 October 1680 [ChVR 1:64], eighteen months after Thomas Mousall had married Mary Moore. Since the marriage was performed by "Captain Goodinough, Commissioner at Sudburie," the Moore family of Sudbury is a more likely source for this wife.
Birth1607, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Death4 Feb 1675, Charlestown, Suffolk, MA