NameAbraham REECE 
Birthabt 1746, Pennsylvania
Death6 Nov 1822, Surry Co., Deep Creek, NC
Misc. Notes
Abraham and Mary are buried, per “Find a grave”, at the Deep Creek Friends Meeting Cemetery in Yadkinville, NC. Abraham was “recrq” (received by his own request) into membership on 6 Sep 1817, and Mary recrq on 6 Mar 1819.
I Abraham Reece Sen. of Surry County and State of North Carolina being weak of body but of perfect mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die I make this my last will and testament and touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with I shall dispose of in the following manner and form----
First it is my will that by debts and funeral charges should be paid----I will unto my beloved wife Mary Reece one horse creature her choice saddle and bridle, four cows, some sheep arid some hogs and all they household furniture and mill and also [illegible---MLR] furniture and plantation whereon I live her lifetime freely to be possessed by her and at her death it is my will that they should be sold and equally divided amongst all my children.
Thirdly it is my will that the land that I bought from William Shugart containing hundred and forty acres and the land at the round [?] hill fifty acres and sixty acres in the fence [?] and four horses at, my decease should be sold and equally divided amongst all my children.
And also it is my will that my son Ely Reece should have one hundred and forty acres of land joining my old track up the low branch freely to be enjoyed by him for ever and also my son Abraham Rees one hundred and thirty seven acres and one half of the land that I bought of Thomas Holcom and the smith tools freely to be enjoyed by him for ever. And I give to my son Thomas Rees a quantity of land beginning in my bottom [illegible--MLR] eastward to Marshall old line then north along Reeses line to the Connor line then west along my line to my son Elys corner then south to the beginning freely to be enjoyed by him for ever and also a rifle gun freely to be enjoyed by him for ever. I give unto my son in law David Walker one dollar freely to be enjoyed by him forever and I also give my three grandchildren Elizabeth John and Jemiah Walker five dollars each freely to be enjoyed by them for ever----- and it is my will that my five grandchildren my son Joels children Patience--John--Alice--Abraham--Keziah Rees shall have five dollars each of them freely to be enjoyed by them forever. And I also constitute and ordain my two sons Daniel and Abraham flees to be my executors of this my last will and testament and I hereby utterly disallow revoke and desancel [?] all other former wills and testaments by me in any will before named and confirming this and no other to-be my last will
and testament in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 8th day of the 12 mo 1821.
Abraham x Rees (Seal)
Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of us
Joseph Keys Senior
Thomas Marshall
Proven November term of court 1822--Surry Co., NC
Birthabt 1750, Burlington, NJ
Death26 Sep 1830, Surry Co., Deep Creek, NC