Ninth Generation

15760. George Columbus Coffey was born on 5 December 1915 in Wayne Co., NC. George died in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY on 1 June 2007 and was buried at Taylors Grove United Baptist Church Cemetery in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY in June 2007 .41698

George Columbus Coffey and Geneva Irene Hicks were married on 7 February 1942 in Wayne Co., KY. Geneva Irene Hicks was born on 5 October 1923 in Kentucky. Geneva died at Britthaven Nursing Home in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY on 6 October 2008 and was buried at Taylors Grove United Baptist Church Cemetery in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY on 8 October 2008 .41699

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