Eighth Generation

10342. Wade Peyton Coffey was born on 25 October 1925 in Wilkes Co., NC.30438 Wade died on 31 July 2001 at the age of 75 in North Carolina and was buried at30438,30439 White Oak Baptist Church Cemetery in Millers Creek, Wilkes Co., NC.30440,30441,30442

Wade Peyton Coffey and Blanche A. Adams were married. Blanche A. Adams was born on 7 March 1921. Blanche died in North Carolina on 24 November 1998. White Oak Baptist Church Cemetery in Millers Creek, Wilkes Co., NC in November 1998 .30443,30444,30445

Death Notice, The Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem, NC, Nov. 25,1998

COFFEY, Dora Blanche Adams, 77, of North Wilkesboro, the wife of Wade Coffey.

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