Seventh Generation

2877. Felix F. Van Vleet was born on 11 January 1878 in Washington State.

His burial record gives date of birth as Jan. 14, 1878. Felix died on 26 November 1919 at the age of 41 in Newman, Stanislaw Co., CA and was buried at Fern Prairie Cemetery in Camas, Clark Co., WA on 1 December 1919.3173,10316

Felix F. Van Vleet and Bertha May Benbow were married. Bertha May Benbow was born on 19 May 1879 in Washington. Bertha died in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR on 25 August 1944 and was buried at Fern Prairie Cemetery in Camas, Clark Co., WA in August 1944 .10317

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