Eighth Generation

11777. Jo Tate Coffey was born on 1 January 1907 in Yancey Co., NC.33833 Jo died in Asheville, Buncombe Co., NC on 3 December 1988 and was buried at West Burnsville Baptist Church Cemetery in Burnsville, Yancey Co., NC in December 1988 .33834

Jo Tate Coffey and Dawson Briggs were married. Both Dawson and Jo had been previously married to spouses that preceded them in death. Dawson Briggs was born on 12 August 1901 in Yancey Co., NC. Dawson died in Yancey Co., NC on 16 May 1968 and was buried at West Burnsville Baptist Church Cemetery in Burnsville, Yancey Co., NC in May 1968 .33835

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