Eighth Generation

9106. Emma Jane Coffey was born on 11 May 1868 in Amherst Co., VA. Emma died on 22 April 1910 at the age of 41 in Amherst Co., VA and was buried at Bridge Hill Cemetery in Alto [Coffeytown], Amherst Co., VA.27812,27813

Emma Jane Coffey and Thomas J. Campbell were married on 10 December 1888 in Amherst Co., VA.27814 Thomas J. Campbell, son of John W. Campbell and Mary Jane Oliver, was born on 11 October 1862 in Rockcastle Co., KY. Thomas died in Virginia on 29 October 1928 of "so many complications" and was buried at Allwood Cemetery, El Bethel Church in Amherst, Amherst Co., VA on 31 October 1928 .27815,27816,27817

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