Ninth Generation

15617. Florida Dobbs was born on 19 August 1903 in Wayne Co., KY. She lived with her father in Ben Hill, Wayne Co., KY on 18 April 1910. Florida died on 5 April 1963 at the age of 59 in Fayette Co., KY and was buried at Sherd Dobbs Cemetery in Whitley City, McCreary Co., KY.41413,41414

Florida Dobbs and Edgar Dobbs were married. Edgar Dobbs, son of Joseph Dobbs and Polly Ann Coffey, was born on 16 May 1900 in Parmleysville, Wayne Co., KY. Edgar died on 7 December 1978 at the age of 78 in Tennessee and was buried at Sherd Dobbs Cemetery in Whitley City, McCreary Co., KY.41411,41412

Florida Dobbs and Edgar Dobbs had the following children:






Howard Dobbs.
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