Ninth Generation

16572. Adelia Belle Coffey was born on 24 October 1924 in Bedford Co., VA. Adelia was buried at Timber Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery in Lowry, Bedford Co., VA. Her death date is unknown to me.42871,42872

Adelia Belle Coffey and Carl Otto Olson Jr. were married. Carl Otto Olson Jr. was born on 13 May 1922. Carl died on 5 May 1992 at the age of 69 in Virginia and was buried at Timber Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery in Lowry, Bedford Co., VA.42873,42874

Adelia Belle Coffey and Carl Otto Olson Jr. had the following children:



Alan Roy Olson was born on 9 September 1947 in Virginia. Alan died on 5 March 1977 at the age of 29 in Virginia and was buried at Timber Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery in Lowry, Bedford Co., VA.42875
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