Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Seventh Generation3972. In an application for a US Passport, Dr. Coffey was described as being 60 years old, 6' 1" tall with high forehead, gray hair, a straight nose, small mouth, protruding chin, medium complexion and oval face. He also had a scar on his left thumb. He made his will on 10 July 1941 in Platte Co., MO.12842 Dr. Coffey died of respiratory failure on 25 March 1948 at the age of 85 at home in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO and was buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO on 27 March 1948.12843,12844 His will was probated on 9 May 1949 in Jackson Co., MO.12842 William H. Coffey, born in Madison County, Kentucky, October 12, 1862, was one of five children. His brother James, a commercial traveler, died several years ago, and Richard N. was a physician. He graduated from the University Medical College, Kansas City, and practiced there until the time of his death in 1932. The third brother, Edward McDowell, now living at Grain Valley, Missouri, was formerly chief of the Kansas City Fire Department. His only sister, Elizabeth, who married Milton Wyatt of Kansas City, is deceased. Dr. Coffey's father was Dr. William A. Coffey, who practiced medicine in Madison County, Kentucky, many years. He died there when William was twelve years old. As his mother had died two years previously, the five children were left orphans. They remained in Kentucky three years and then came to Missouri. Their father had a brother, Dr. Edward Coffey, who was then practicing medicine in Platte City. All but William lived with their uncle. William obtained work on various farms about Platte City, and saved his money to attend William Jewell College. For three or four years thereafter, he taught school in various districts about that city, spending his spare moments reading medicine in his uncle's office. He later entered the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis from which he graduated in 1886. The same year he moved to Parkville, where he opened his office, doing general practice and also serving as local surgeon for the Burlington Railroad. On July 26, 1889, he married Miss Virginia Ringo, daughter of Dr. J. W. Ringo of Parkville. Dr. Coffey continued his practice in Parkville until 1900. Here their two children were born: Ralph R. Coffey, now a physician with officers in the Professional Building, and E. R. Coffey, a well known business man in Kansas City. In 1900 the Coffeys moved to Kansas City buying a hime at 500 Bellefontaine, which was at that time a desirable residential district. Dr. Coffey lived in and practiced his profession in Kansas Cith for 25 years. He did general practice, specializing in Proctology, and was quite successful. He was Professor of Proctology in the Medico-Chirurgical College and after the school was absorbed by the University of Kansas, served the latter institution as Clinical Director of the Dispensary. He was chief of the Proctology Department of the General Hospital when it was first established. He wrote many papers on surgical subjects, some of which were published in medical journals. He also tried his hand at politics during his earlier days in Kansas City. He was Police Surgeon of the city in 1903-04 and Coroner of Jackson County in 1917-20. He is an honorary member of the J. C. M. S. and a member of the Independence Boulevard Christian Church of which he is a member of the board of Deacons. He belongs to the Masonic Temple Lodge No. 299, Orient Chapter R. A. M. No. 102, Oriental Commandery No. 35 and Ararat Shrine. After practicing medicine and surgery in Kansas City for a quarter of a century, the doctor and his wife looked longingly toward the scenes of their early life. They bought a large farm, about 200 acres, one mile east of Parkville, and built thereon a magnificient, large stone house, high on a knoll from which you can see six counties - three in Missouri and three in Kansas. They named their home "Dream Haven." Here they live today. Dr. Coffey is not practicing medicine today, but he has not retired. To him life has but one beginning and one retirement. He goes about his beautiful vine-covered home, "Dream Haven," doing just what interests him most. He is always busy carrying out his heart's desire. When the weather is bad, or when he just naturally feels inclined, he goes up to his study and writes on his latest book. It is the Doctor's custom to write and publish a short story at Christmas time and send copies to his many friends in lieu of Christmas cards. This, his hobby, he has done for last 14 years. He was born and lived the early years of his life in the Cumberland Mountains of Kentucky. He knows the simple people who live there and many of his stories have a Kentucky mountain setting. Then too, there is usually a physician playing a leading role in the story. His father was a physician there and he knows just what a mountaineer physician must be to hold the love and high esteem of the mountain folk. On July 26, Doctor and Mrs. Coffey celebrated their 50th year of happy married live. They have lived their lives of love and service to mankind and to each other and are today reaping their golden reward. The Doctor is not really old - only in his seventies - and be it again understood he has not retired - just going about "Dream Haven," watching the birds, the trees in his yard, tending the flowers and writing stories. To his happy couple we can only say: Congratulations, and may you live happily together, as you live today, for many years to come. Dr. William Harrison Coffey and Virginia Rebecca "Jennie" Ringo were married on 24 July 1889 in Parkville, Platte Co., MO.12845 They12845 appeared in the census on 1 June 1900 in Parkville, Pettis Twp., Platte Co., MO.12846 They12846 appeared in the census on 20 April 1910 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO.12847 William and Jennie12847 appeared in the census on 3 January 1920 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO.12848 They12848 appeared in the census on 11 April 1930 in Platte Co., MO.12849 They12849 appeared in the census on 25 April 1940 in Pettis Twp., Platte Co., MO.12850 Dr. William Harrison Coffey and Virginia Rebecca "Jennie" Ringo had the following children: