Ninth Generation

19648. Delta Lucille Coffey was born on 21 June 1933 in Washburn, Grainger Co., TN. Delta died in Tennessee on 19 February 2019 and was buried at McGinnis-Harrell Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN in February 2019 .46833

Delta Lucille Coffey and James Leonard "Lynn" Dalton were married on 6 June 1950 in Hamblen Co., TN.46834 James Leonard "Lynn" Dalton, son of Joseph Thomas Dalton and Martha Hayes, was born on 3 March 1931 in Tennessee. James died in Tennessee on 30 April 1999 and was buried at McGinnis-Harrell Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN in May 1999 .46835,46836

Delta Lucille Coffey and James Leonard "Lynn" Dalton had the following children:



Charles O'Dell "Chuck" Dalton.






Living (private).
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