Eighth Generation

14197. Anna Mae Coffey was born on 19 June 1930 in Tennessee. Anna died in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN on 20 February 2018 and was buried at Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN in February 2018 .39313

Anna Mae Coffey and Rev. Garrett Dalton were married on 29 January 1951 in Grainger Co., TN.39314 Rev. Garrett Dalton, son of Hugh Dalton and Minnie Dalton, was born on 31 August 1930 in Tennessee. Rev. Dalton died on 29 March 1996 at the age of 65 in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN and was buried at Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN.39315,39316

The Rev. Garrett Dalton age 65 of Thorn Hill, TN was born August 31, 1930, departed this life March 29, 1996 at the home of his daughter and son-in-law where he had made his home for the past 22 years. He professed faith in Christ and joined Oak Hill Missionary Baptist Church January 4, 1943 where he remained a faithful member until death. He was ordained into the ministry the 4th Saturday of September 1960 and pastored several churches. He was pastor of Seals Chapel Missionary Baptist Church and Providence Missionary Baptist Church at the time of his death. He was preceded in death by his parents, the Rev. Hughie and Minnie Dalton, 2 brothers and 1 sister. Survivors include his wife, daughter and son-in-law, 2 granddaughters, 2 grandsons, 2 great-grandchildren, 5 brothers, 5 sisters, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at Oak Hill Missionary Baptist Church with the Revs. Jack Free, Lynn Porter, and Roger Porter officiating. Singers were the Liberty Quartet. Pallbearers were nephews with fellow ministers as honorary pallbearers. Burial in Dalton Cemetery, Broken Valley, Thorn Hill, Grainger Co. TN.

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