Eighth Generation

7687. Bertha Coffey was born on 17 March 1894 in Russell Co., KY. Bertha died of chronic plurisy on 4 February 1942 at the age of 47 in Creelsboro, Russell Co., KY and was buried at Dixon Cemetery in Jamestown, Russell Co., KY on 5 February 1942.24680,24681

Bertha Coffey and Willie Claude Blakey were married. Willie Claude Blakey was born on 14 May 1880. Willie died in Kentucky on 21 September 1958 and was buried at Dixon Cemetery in Jamestown, Russell Co., KY on 23 September 1958 .24682

Bertha Coffey and Willie Claude Blakey had the following children:



Oral Marvin Blakey.
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