Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Sixth Generation1247. STUARTS DRAFT, May 28-, -- Peter V. Coffey, peacefully passed to his heavenly home, at his residence at Stuarts Draft at one a. m. Friday, May 21, 1937, after an illness of about a month. He was born in Nelson county June 15, 1849, of Scottish descent, his father having been Charles Coffey and his mother Ophelia Coffey (nee Everet). He moved to Augusta county when a young man and spent the rest of his long and useful life in, and in the vicinity of Stuarts Draft where he engaged in farming, lumbering, etc. For the last twenty years of his life he was justice of the peace and was known as "Squire Coffey." Mr. Coffey was united in marriage to Miss Bettie Catherine Kennedy, of Augusta county, Dec. 24, 1879. To this marriage were born four daughters and five sons. His wife, who passed away June 17, 1930, and a son and two daughters preceded him in death. Children survive: J. E. and J. L., of Mint Spring; the Rev. H. S., pastor of Granbery Memorial M. E. church, South, Covington; Mrs. M. E. Elliott, Staunton; Russel E., Bluefield, W. Va., and Mrs. Roy Black, Stuarts Draft, who tenderly cared for him after the death of Mrs. Coffey. Mr. Coffey united with the Baptist church in early life, but many years ago transferred his membership to the M. E. church, South, in which he was an efficient and faithful member and held an official relation for many years, having been a delegate frequently to the annual and district conferences and was a member of the board of stewards of Calvary church at the time of his death. He was interested in the work of his adopted church until his death, often inquiring about the progress of the work through his pastor and others. He spoke of death as one who was preparing for a pleasant journey. Death did not hold any terrors to him. He had implicit faith in God for the forgiveness of sin through the atonement of Jesus Christ. He loved his church and the ministry of his church; always was ready to speak a good word about the former pastors of his church. He dearly loved his children and was held in the highest esteem and devotion by his children and his grandchildren, of which he had a number. Mr. Coffey had been a prominent figure in his community for many years, in his church, in business, in clean politics, and in everything that was for the betterment of humanity. His funeral service was conducted from Calvary church Sunday, May 23, at three p. m. by his pastor, the Rev. A. Van Devander, assisted by Dr. E. L. Woolf, pastor of the Harrisonburg M. E. church, South; the Rev. H. W. Craver, pastor of Greenville M. E. church, South, and the Rev. T. H. Campbell, pastor of Stuarts Draft Baptist church. His body was tenderly laid at rest in the cemetery adjoining Calvary church. It is said by some that his funeral was attended by the largest concourse of people that ever assembled at Calvary church. Less than half of the people could get in the church. At his own request the stewards of Calvary church were the active pallbearers: J. T. Almarode, Alden D. Rader, A. G. Painter, C. L. Dodge, I. F. Fitzgerald, H. L. Henkel, W. Y. Boyd, E. M. Conner, and Layton Thacker. The following hymns were sung: "The Solid Rock," "Home of the Soul," as a solo and "How Firm a Foundation." His pastor chose as his theme, "God's Harvest Home;" text, "Thou shalt come to thy grave in full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season," Job 5:26. Peter Virgil "Squire" Coffey and Bettie Catherine Kennedy were married on 24 December 1874 in Lyndhurst, Augusta Co., VA.4869 They4869 appeared in the census on 1 June 1900 in Rivershead Dist., Augusta Co., VA.4870 They4870 appeared in the census on 6 May 1910 in Greenville, Augusta Co., VA.4871 Squire and Bettie4871 appeared in the census on 6 January 1920 on the Ridge Road in Greenville, Augusta Co., VA.4872 They4872 appeared in the census on 18 April 1930 in Stuarts Draft, South River Dist., Augusta Co., VA.4873 Peter Virgil "Squire" Coffey and Bettie Catherine Kennedy had the following children: