Sixth Generation

2194. Laura Temperance Coffey was born on 4 September 1866 in Illinois. Laura died in Idaho on 9 October 1956 and was buried at Morris Hill Cemetery in Boise, Ada Co., ID in October 1956 .8190,8191,8192

Laura Temperance Coffey and Eugene C. Kennedy were married on 10 February 1886 in Chautauqua Co., KS.8193 Eugene C. Kennedy was born in 1863. Eugene died in Colorado in 1921 and was buried at Marvel Cemetery in Marvel, La Plata Co., CO in 1921 .8194

Laura Temperance Coffey and Wallace Parrish were married on 27 July 1898 in Oswego, Labette Co., KS.8195 Wallace Parrish was born on 20 November 1866 in Indiana. Wallace died in Idaho on 18 September 1942 and was buried at Morris Hill Cemetery in Boise, Ada Co., ID in September 1942 .8196

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