Ninth Generation

17379. Eldon Stant Eason was born on 24 September 1900 in Oklahoma. Eldon died of angina on 2 July 1975 at the age of 74 at Atlanta Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Cass Co., TX and was buried at Duncan Municipal Cemetery in Duncan, Stephens Co., OK.43965,43966,43967

Eldon Stant Eason and Eva Pearl Snow were married between 1930 and 1940 in Oklahoma. They appeared in the census on 2 April 1940 in Hale Co., TX.43968 Eva Pearl Snow, daughter of Thomas Snow and Cora Alice Roling, was born on 13 March 1900 in Indian Territory, Chickasaw Nation, OK. She lived with her parents in Indian Territory, Chickasaw Nation, OK on 3 July 1900. She lived unmarried and living with her parents at Parks Twp. in Stephens Co., OK on 22 March 1920. Eva lived unmarried and living with her parents at Loco Twp in Stephens Co., OK on 23 April 1930. Eva died in Duncan, Stephens Co., OK in September 1973 and was buried at Duncan Municipal Cemetery in Duncan, Stephens Co., OK in September 1973 .43969

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