Sixth Generation

1334. Caroline S. Campbell was born circa 1821 in Virginia.

Caroline S. Campbell and Holloway Stewart Coffey were married on 24 March 1856 in Nelson Co., VA.1236,1237

The following is from Nelson Co. Deed Book 14, pps 443-445:

Deed: Holloway Coffey, 1856 (Pre-nuptual agreement)
Source: Nelson Co., VA - Deed Book 14, Pages 443, 444, 445. Contributor: Carol Harlow []

This indenture made this 12th day of April 1856 between Holloway Coffey of the first part, Caroline S. Campbell of the second part and Floyd S. Whitehead of the third part. Whereas a marriage is shortly intended to be had and solemnized between the said Holloway Coffey and the said Caroline S. Campbell and whereas the said Holloway Coffey is possessed of the following real and personal property viz one tract of land containing about forty acres on the waters of Tye River in Nelson County, one sorrel mare, one sorrel colt, one bay colt, five head cattle, ten head sheep, twenty four head hogs, three beds and furniture, one clock, two shot guns, all the balance of household and table furniture, plantation tools, crop tobacco now on hand made in 1855, all the balance of his intrest in the estate of William Coffey dec'd. And the increase of the horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and _____. And whereas it has been agreed that the said Caroline S. Campbell should after the said intended marriage should receive and enjoy during the joint lives of them the said Holloway Coffey and Caroline S. Campbell, the interest and ocupation (sic), of the said real and personal Estate, and also that the same, and the interest and profits thereof from and after the decease of such of them the said Holloway Coffey and Caroline S. Campbell as should first happen to die, should be at the sole and only disposal of the said Caroline S. Campbell not withstanding her covature. Now this indenture witnesseth, that in pursuance of the before recited agreement, and in consideration of the sum of one dollar, to the said Holloway Coffey in hand paid by the said Floyd S. Whitehead at and before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby fully acknowledged, he the said Holloway Coffey by and with the consent of her the said Carolina S. Campbell Testified by her being made a party to and her sealing and delivery of these presents, doth grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over hand by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said Floyd S. Whitehead his Executors, administrators and assigns all the said property, viz one tract of land containing about forty acres on the waters of Tye River in Nelson County, one sorrel mare, one sorrel colt, one bay cold, five head cattle, ten head sheep, twenty four head of hogs, three beds and furniture, one clock, two shot guns, all the balance of household and table furniture, plantation tools, crop tobacco now on hand made in 1855, all on the balance of his interest in the Estate of William Coffey and the increase of the horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, etc., to have and to hold the said property hereby conveyed unto the said Floyd S. Whitehead, his Executors, administrators and assigns, upon such trusts nevertheless, and to and for said intents and purposes and under such provisions and agreements, as an herein after mentioned, that is to say, in trust for the said Caroline S. Campbell and her assigns until the solemnization of the said intended marriage. Then upon Trust that he the said Floyd S. Whitehead his Executors administrators and assigns shall and do permit Caroline S. Campbell during the joint lives of the said Holloway Coffey and Caroline S. Campbell his intended wife, to have, receive, take, and enjoy all the interest and profits of the said property hereby assigned, to and for her own use and benefit and not to be liable for the debts or contracts of the said Holloway Coffey heretofore contracted or which may hereafter be contracted, and from and after the decease of such of them, the said Holloway Coffey and Caroline S. Campbell, as shall first happen to die, then upon trust, that he the said Floyd S. Whitehead his Executors, administrators and assigns, shall, and do, assign, transfer, and pay over all the said property to the said Caroline S. Campbell in case she survive the said Holloway Coffey, but if she died before him, then unto such person and persons, and at the time and times, and in such parts and proportions, manner and form, as she the said Caroline S. Campbell shall from time to time, notwithstanding her covatery [sic], by any writing or writings under her hand and seal, attested by at least two or more creditable witnesses or by her last Will and Testament in writing to be by her signed sealed and published and declared in presence of the like number of witnesses - direct limit, or appoint - so that the same shall not go out of the family of her the said Caroline S. Campbell or of the family of the said Holloway Coffey to the intent that the same may not be at the disposal of, or subject to the control, debts, for future or engagements of the said Holloway Coffey her intended husband and in default of such direction, limitation, or appointments then to be equally divided between the children of the said Caroline S. Campbell which she may have by the said Holloway Coffey and the children of the said Holloway Coffey which he had by a former wife. In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Holloway Coffey
Caroline S. Campbell
Floyd S. Whitehead

State of Virginia
Nelson County, s.s.
This day Holloway Coffey and Caroline S. Campbell personally appeared before me, Peter C. Coffey - a Justice in the County aforesaid and acknowledged the foregoing instrument of writing bearing date the 12th day of April 1856, to be their act and deed. Given from under my hand and seal this 12th day of April 1856.

Peter C. Coffey J. P. They1236,1237 appeared in the census on 11 September 1860 in Nelson Co., VA.1238 Holloway Stewart Coffey, son of William Coffey and Elizabeth Giles, was born in 1803 in Amherst Co., VA. He made his will on 20 May 1878 in Nelson Co., VA.

Will: Holloway S. COFFEY
Source: Nelson Co., VA Will Book N, Page 193.
Contributor: Shirley Houk []

In the name of God amen, I Holoway Coffey, of the County of Nelson in the State of Virginia, being of sound mind and disposing memory and being admonished of the uncertainty of this mortal life, do make ordain and publish this as my last will and testament, made by me in manner and form as follows.

First, after paying my debts and burial expenses, I will and bequeath to my son Alexander Coffey, thirty acres of land to be taken from the "Entry tract" to adjoin and run parallel with the North fork of Tye River.

Second, I will and bequeath to Joseph R. and Margaret Coffey, Thirty seven and one half acres of land called the "Meeks tract" provided they pay to my executor one dollar and fifty cents per acre to be retained as legal interest in his hands to be paid by him to my wife Virginia Coffey as she may need it in raising my minor children the said Joseph R. and Margaret Coffey is to have three equal annual payments from this day.

Third, I will and bequeath to my minor children, four in number at present and one which may be born hereafter, all the remaining portion of my property, Real and personal, to be left in the care of my wife Virginia Coffey, to be used by her for the benefit of the above named children until they become of full age, then to be equally divided between the above named children.

Fourth, I will and bequeath that my executor pay one dollar to each of my children that have not heretofore been named in this will out of any money that my come into his hands.

Fifth, I will and bequeath that Robert H. Allen be and he is hereby appointed as my executor.

In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this the twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord 1878.

Holoway Coffey (Seal)
Attested by
Robert H. Allen (X)
William Coffey (X) Holloway died on 24 May 1878 at the age of 75 in Nelson Co., VA and was buried at Holloway Coffey Family Cemetery in White Rock, Nelson Co, VA.1232 His will was proved on 22 July 1878 in Nelson Co., VA.1233

At a County Court begun and held for Nelson County at the Courthouse thereof on Monday June 24th 1878.

The last Will and testament of Holoway Coffey dec’d was this day produced into Court and partly proven by the oath of Robert H. Allen one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, ordered to lie for further proof.

Teste: W. M.Hill, Clerk

At a County Court begun and held for Nelson County at the Courthouse thereof on Monday July 22nd 1878. The last will and testament of Holoway Coffey dec’d was this day again produced into Court, and fully proven by the oath of William Coffey the other subscribing witness thereto, and was thereupon ordered to be recorded, as the last will and testament of Holoway Coffey dec’d.

Teste: W. M. Hill, Clerk

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