Ninth Generation

19526. Lonnie Oglesby was born on 13 May 1911 in Estill Co., KY. Lonnie died in Mason, Warren Co., OH on 19 August 1999 and was buried at His burial place is not yet known. Rose Hill Cemetery in Mason, Warren Co., OH in August 1999 .46714

Lonnie Oglesby and Daisy L. Brooks were married on 24 March 1934 in Highland Co., OH.46715 Daisy L. Brooks, daughter of Ed Brooks and Leona Russell, was born on 9 November 1911 in Hawkins Co., TN. Daisy died in Hamilton, Butler Co., OH on 3 May 1964 and was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Mason, Warren Co., OH in May 1964 .46716

Lonnie Oglesby and Martha R. Harding were married. Martha R. Harding was born on 16 July 1913. Martha died in Mason, Warren Co., OH on 24 February 2010 and was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Mason, Warren Co., OH in February 2010 .46717

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