Seventh Generation

4311. Margaret Rhoda Boon was born on 4 June 1883 in Phelps Co., MO. Margaret died at 4154 Blaine St. in St. Louis, MO on 14 May 1944 of colon cancer and was buried at Odd Fellows (IOOF) Cemetery in Bismarck, St. Francois Co., MO on 18 May 1944 .13922,13923

Margaret Rhoda Boon and Charles Washington Crouch were married. Charles Washington Crouch was born on 16 June 1877 in Phelps Co., MO. He registered for the WWI draft on 12 September 1918 in Salem, Dent Co., MO.13924 Charles died in Elvins, Randolf Twp., St. Francois Co. MO on 16 August 1946 of a coronary occlusion and was buried at Odd Fellows (IOOF) Cemetery in Bismarck, St. Francois Co., MO on 18 August 1946 .13925,13926

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