Eighth Generation

13404. Katherine Ann Walton was born on 16 October 1889 in Estill Co., KY. Katherine died in Oxford, Butler Co., OH on 14 February 1969 and was buried at Fairmount Cemetery in Camden, Preble Co., OH in February 1969 .38039

Katherine Ann Walton and William Henry Adams were married circa 1906 in Kentucky. William Henry Adams, son of John Andrew Adams and Mary Ann Alcorn, was born on 1 April 1884 in Estill Co., KY. He registered for the WWI draft on 12 September 1918 in Madison Co., KY.38040 William died in Preble Co., OH on 4 September 1970 and was buried at Fairmount Cemetery in Camden, Preble Co., OH in September 1970 .38041

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