Eighth Generation

13766. Andrew Coffey was born on 31 July 1924 in Jackson Co., KY. Andrew died in Berea, Madison Co., KY on 26 March 1988 and was buried at Davis-Witt Cemetery in Mount Vernon, Rockcastle Co., KY in March 1988 .38757,38758

Andrew Coffey and Bernice Pigg were married on 11 February 1987 in Rockcastle Co., KY.38759 Bernice Pigg, daughter of Herold Pigg and Rennie Jackson, was born on 26 March 1931 in Rockcastle Co., KY. She lived with her parents in Rockcastle Co., KY on 11 April 1940.

Families adjacent to the Pigg family were Leonard Coffey and wife Gracie; George, and wife Martha; Pigg, Jess and wife Lucy; Pigg, Noel and wife Edna. Bernice later married a Chasteen. A neighbor to her family in this record was the John H. Chasteen and wife Mandy. Bernice died in Berea, Madison Co., KY on 22 January 2006 and was buried at Davis-Witt Cemetery in Mount Vernon, Rockcastle Co., KY in January 2006 .38760

Andrew Coffey and Bernice Pigg had the following children:



Larry Raven Coffey was born on 7 January 1952 in Madison Co., KY. Larry died in Madison Co., KY on 14 January 1952 and was buried at Morrill, Jackson Co., KY in January 1952.38761
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