Seventh Generation

6416. Mary Louise Coffey was born on 9 June 1897 in Kentucky. Mary died at Kentucky Baptist Hospital in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY on 24 December 1963 and was buried at Campbellsville Memorial Gardens in Campbellsville, Taylor Co., KY on 27 December 1963 .21189

Mary Louise Coffey and John Paul Sanders were married on 22 March 1917 in Clark Co., IN.21190 John Paul Sanders, son of Joseph Sanders and Lelia L. Price, was born on 19 April 1895 in Kentucky. John died at The Lutheran Home in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY on 25 September 1984 and was buried at Campbellsville Memorial Gardens in Campbellsville, Taylor Co., KY on 27 September 1984 .21191

Mary Louise Coffey and John Paul Sanders had the following children:



Living (private).



Lelia Kathryn Sanders.



Mary Lucy Sanders.



Dorothy Louise Sanders.



Helen Mae Sanders.



This unnamed infant was stillborn in 1937 in Green Co., KY. Her burial place is not known to me.21192 Infant Sanders21192 was born in 1937 in Green Co., KY. Summer Shade Cemetery in Summer Shade, Green Co., KY in 1937 .21193
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