Ninth Generation

16769. Glesnor James Coffee was born on 27 February 1909 in Missouri. Glesnor died in Missouri on 7 March 1968 and was buried at Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery in Joplin, Jasper Co., MO in March 1968 .43136,43137

Glesnor James Coffee and Ruby L. Booth were married on 5 January 1931 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO.43138 Ruby L. Booth, daughter of John E. Booth and Hattie M. , was born on 29 August 1910 in Baxter Springs, Cherokee Co., KS. Ruby died in Joplin, Jasper Co., MO on 21 August 1970 and was buried at Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery in Joplin, Jasper Co., MO in August 1970 .43139

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