Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Sixth Generation2012. Jesse Filmore Coffey was born on 22 October 1859 in Boone Fork, Watauga Co., NC. He lived with his parents in Johns River Twp., Caldwell Co., NC on 21 July 1860. He lived with his brother-in-law Thomas Wright in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC on 12 June 1880. Jesse was elected as mayor in 1892 in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC. He witnessed the election of David Nathaniel Coffey as was party to a suit to gain title to deceased brother's land on 16 March 1893 in Boone, Watauga Co., NC.2079 On 16 August 1927 Jesse Filmore in Wilkes Co., NC testified that he witnessed Herbert Spencer "Hub" Wagner shoot Earl Moody.7751 Jesse died of a heart attack on 22 August 1931 at the age of 71 in Shulls Mill, Watauga Co., NC and was buried at Calloway Cemetery in Foscoe, Watauga Co., NC on 24 August 1931.7752,7753 Item from undated, unnamed newspaper Filmore Coffey Succumbs after a brief illness Prominent Resident of Foscoe - Fatally stricken last week. Former School Master and Farmer. Funeral conducted by Rev. Gragg. Buried at the Callaway Graveyard. Widow and Eight Children Survive. J. Filmore Coffey, 72 years of age, died at his home in the Foscoe community early Saturday morning, after an illness which had its beginning only a few days previous. Mr. Coffey had suffered, it is understood, with a heart ailment for some time, and is thought that a chronic condition of the stomach also contributed to his death. Funeral services were conducted from the graveside in the Calloway Cemetery by the Rev. S. E. Gragg, pastor of the Advent Christian church of which deceased had been a faithful member for about ten years. Hundreds of people gathered for the sad rites, from all sections of the county. Surviving are the widow and eight children: Mrs. Edna Hodges, Boone; Clarence Coffey, New Brunswick, N.J.; Jesse Coffey, Foscoe; Mrs. Ethel Berry, Foscoe; Mrs. Rose Aldridge of Washington; Mrs. George Williams [Mollie Bell] of Boone; Stanford Coffey, Foscoe, and Miss Eva Mae Coffey, Foscoe. One sister, Mrs. Mary Wright, 56, of Hudson, also survives. All of the children with the exception of Mrs. Aldridge were present for the funeral. Mr. Coffey was one of Watauga's most esteemed citizens and a member of one of the pioneer families of this region. He was one of the early school masters and taught for many years in the free schools of the county. He later engaged himself in the produce business and was also interested in farming enterprises. He had for years been recognized as a leader along all worthy lines in his section, and was known for his sterling traits of character. His obituary spells his middle name Philmore. The Caldwell Co. birth record for his son Jesse L. also gives his name as J. Philmore Coffey. Jesse Filmore Coffey and Martha E. "Mattie" Storie were married. Martha E. "Mattie" Storie was born on 26 March 1852 in North Carolina. Mattie died on 25 April 1892 at the age of 40 in North Carolina and was buried at Boone Fork Community Cemetery in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC.7754,7755 Jesse Filmore Coffey and Martha E. "Mattie" Storie had the following children:
Jesse Filmore Coffey and Jane Harrell were married on 26 November 1892 in Watauga Co., NC.7756 Jane died childbirth Jesse Filmore Coffey and Harriett Melissa Calloway were married on 5 December 1893 in Watauga Co., NC.7757,7758 They7757,7758 appeared in the census on 5 June 1900 in Watauga Twp., Watauga Co., NC.7759 They7759 appeared in the census on 6 May 1910 in Watauga Twp., Watauga Co., NC.7760 Jesse and Harriett7760 appeared in the census on 5 January 1920 in Watauga Twp., Watauga Co., NC.7761 They7761 appeared in the census on 11 April 1930 in Watauga Twp., Watauga Co., NC.7762 Jesse Filmore Coffey and Harriett Melissa Calloway had the following children: