Seventh Generation

3034. John Thomas Baker was born on 28 December 1867 in San Saba Co., TX. John died in San Saba, San Saba Co., TX on 9 June 1932 of cardio decompensation and was buried at Sloan Cemetery in San Saba, San Saba Co., TX on 10 June 1932 .10683,10684,10685

Death Notice, The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, Fri., Jun. 10, 1932, Sec. I, Page

Fort Worth Man Dies Thursday at San Saba

Special to The News.

San Saba, Texas, June 9.--John Baker, 64, widely known commission man of Fort Worth, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. M. Kykendall, here Thursday morning following a short illness while on a visit to relatives.

Mr. Baker, a native of this county, married Miss Olive Sloan, member of a pioneer ranch family, who survives. Four children, Sloan Baker, James, Mary and Mrs. Elmo Evans, all of Fort Worth; three grandchildren; one brother, Judge J. S. Baker of San Saba; four sisters, Mrs. J. M. Kykendall of San Saba, Mrs. N. L. Davis of Fort Worth, Miss Brownie Baker of San Saba and Mrs. P. C. Sloan of Sloan, Texas. His nephews will serve as pallbearers. Funeral services will be held here at 10 a.m. Friday with burial at Sloan Cemetery, the Rev. R. K. McCall, pastor of First Presbyterian Church officiating.

John Thomas Baker and Mary Olive Sloan were married. Mary Olive Sloan was born on 20 March 1870 in San Saba Co., TX. Mary died in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX on 18 February 1963 and was buried at Sloan Cemetery in San Saba, San Saba Co., TX in February 1963 .10686

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