Ninth Generation

20048. Gynette Coffey was born on 17 April 1933 in Tennessee.

Gynette Coffey and Lloyd Alvin Mills were married on 12 July 1951 in Hamblen Co., TN.47070 Gynette and Lloyd Alvin47070 were remarried in Hamblen Co., TN on 27 August 1956.47071 Lloyd Alvin Mills, son of Lester Clure Mills and Dent Stapleton, was born on 29 March 1931 in Grainger Co., TN. He lived with his parents in Grainger Co., TN on 5 April 1940. Lloyd died in Tennessee on 30 May 2008 and was buried at Heath Chapel Cemetery in Bean Station, Grainger Co., TN in June 2008 .47072

Gynette Coffey and Lloyd Alvin Mills had the following children:






Living was born in 1955.

A living couple was married in 1957 in Grainger Co., TN.47073 Living (private).

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