Seventh Generation

5096. Mary (Amanda?) Coffey was born on 4 May 1878 in North Carolina. Mary died at Duke Hospital in Durham, Durham Co., NC on 25 February 1941 of cardiac failure and was buried at Hillcrest Cemetery in Cary, Wake Co., NC in February 1941 .16566,16567

Mary (Amanda?) Coffey and Joseph Alexander Smith were married on 25 December 1895 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co., NC.16568 Joseph Alexander Smith, son of Martin Smith and Sarah Cottrell, was born on 23 November 1871. Joseph died in North Carolina on 12 December 1948 of myocarddial insufficienvy and was buried at Hillcrest Cemetery in Cary, Wake Co., NC on 14 December 1948 .16569,16570

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