Eighth Generation

7472. Ruth S. Brownlee was born on 17 May 1900. Ruth died in Texas on 25 June 1993 and was buried at Laurel Land Memorial Park in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX in June 1993 .24143

Ruth S. Brownlee and Don Bell were married. Don Bell was born on 19 June 1893 in Toronto, Jefferson Co., OH. Don died in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX on 15 January 1959 and was buried at Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX in January 1959.24144

Ruth S. Brownlee and Samuel Lawrence Wyse were married. Samuel Lawrence Wyse was born on 22 July 1897. Samuel died on 7 December 1966 and was buried at Laurel Land Memorial Park in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX in December 1966 .24145

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