Eighth Generation

11464. Van Gerald Johnson was born on 4 January 1933 in Alabama. Van died in Alabama on 6 January 1977 and was buried at Lawrence Co., AL in January 1977.32990

Van Gerald Johnson and Rena Pauline Hill were married. Rena Pauline Hill, daughter of Arnold Washington Hill and Retha Organia Knighten, was born on 26 May 1936. Rena died in Chicago, Cook Co., IL on 22 July 1973 and was buried at New Hope North Baptist Church Cemetery in Falkville, Morgan Co., AL in July 1973 .32991

Rena Pauline passed away at the young age of 37 years old at her residence in Chicago, Cook County, IL. She is survived by her husband, Enrique Rey, two sons - Gerald and William Johnson, and her two daughters - Sheila Johnson and Mary Rey.

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