Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Seventh Generation3499. Benjamin Franklin Coffey was born on 10 February 1851 in Kentucky.3553 Benjamin Franklin died of chronic diffuse nephritis on 6 April 1918 at the age of 67 in McCreary Co., KY and was buried at Coffey Cemetery in Yamacraw, McCreary Co., KY.11725,11726 Benjamin Franklin Coffey and Martha Cecelia (Cerelia?) Dobbs11727,11728 were married on 5 December 1872 in Whitley Co., KY. They appeared in the census on 22 June 1880 in Wayne Co., KY.11729 They11729 appeared in the census on 2 May 1910 in Rock Creek, Wayne Co., KY.11730 Benjamin Franklin Coffey and Martha Cecelia (Cerelia?) Dobbs had the following children: