Sixth Generation

1909. Julia Ann Coffey was born on 17 July 1855 in Caldwell Co., NC. Julia died in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co., NC on 19 March 1947 and was buried at Mountlawn Memorial Park Cemetery in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co., NC in March 1947 .7173

In the 1850 census this child's name appears to be Juliaw. Only the 'w' is in question.

Julia Ann Coffey and James Hezekiah Hartley7133 were married on 17 September 1872 in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC.7174,7175 They7174,7175 appeared in the census on 17 June 1880 in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC.7176 They7176 appeared in the census on 6 June 1900 in Wilkes Co., NC.7177 James Hezekiah Hartley was born on 25 May 1850 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC. James died of heart failure on 27 November 1923 at the age of 73 in Beaver Creek Twp., Wilkes Co., NC and was buried at Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church Cemetery in Ferguson, Wilkes Co., NC on 29 November 1923.7178

Julia Ann Coffey and James Hezekiah Hartley had the following children:



Ella Hartley was born (date unknown).



Charles Lewis Hartley.



Henry Harper Hartley.



Franklin J. Hartley.
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