Seventh Generation

6626. James Tandy Dalton was born on 11 January 1862 in Grainger Co., TN. James died of heart blockage on 2 April 1933 at the age of 71 in Grainger Co., TN and was buried at Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN.2485,21971,21972,21973

James Tandy Dalton and Mary Emeline Jackson were married on 20 November 1877 in Grainger Co., TN. Mary died in Grainger Co., TN on 30 June 1936 and was buried at She was born on 6 April 1959 in Tennessee. Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN in April 1959 .21974

James Tandy Dalton and Mary Emeline Jackson had the following children:



Cornelia "Cornie" Dalton.
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