Ninth Generation

14666. Anna Isabel "Bell" Coffey was born on 2 February 1907 in Humeston, Wayne Co., IA. Anna died in Bussey, Marion Co., IA on 9 March 1975 and was buried at Cambria Cemetery in Cambria, Wayne Co., IA in March 1975 .40038,40039

Anna Isabel "Bell" Coffey and Edward Meyers Kirchner were married on 23 February 1929 in Humeston, Wayne Co., IA.40040 Edward Meyers Kirchner, son of George Charles Kirchner and Margaret Rose Fritz, was born on 18 August 1904 in Corydon, Wayne Co., IA. Edward died in Chariton, Lucas Co., IA in August 1975 and was buried at Cambria Cemetery in Cambria, Wayne Co., IA in August 1975 .40041,40042

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