Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Fifth Generation589. Elizabeth Coffey and Nathan P. Whitsett were married on 1 December 1839 in Grainger Co., TN.2484 Nathan died in January 1842 in Grainger Co., TN and was buried at Acuff Cemetery in Washburn, Grainger Co., TN.2485,2486 Letter of Administration to AUSBURN COFFEY STATE OF TENNESSEE TO AUSBURN COFFEY GREETINGS There is it hath been represented unto us in our county court held for the County of Grainger at the Court House at Rutledge on the first Monday of August 1843, that NATHAN P. WHITSETT late of the said County had died Intestate having whilst living and at the time of his death goods and chattels rights and credits the ordering and granting administration whereof doth appertain unto us and we being desirous that said goods and chattels rights and credits may be well and faithfully administered. DO grant unto you the said AUSBURN COFFEY full power by these presents well and trttly to collect and take into your possessions all and singular the goods and chattel rights and credits which were of said NATHAN P. WHITSETT deceased at the time of his death wheresoever the same may be found here by requiring you to make or cause to be made and turned into our said Court within ninety days a true and perfect inventory of said goods and said Chattels rights and Credits and also to render a true and clear account of said administration when thereto required. WITNESS, Edward TATE, Clerk of said County at the office in Rutledge the first Monday of August, 1843. E. TATE Clerk Elizabeth Coffey and Nathan P. Whitsett had the following children:
Elizabeth Coffey and George W. Hayes were married on 23 February 1845 in Grainger Co., TN.2487,2488 They2487,2488 appeared in the census on 15 October 1850 in Grainger Co., TN.2489 They2489 appeared in the census on 4 June 1880 in Cass Co., MO.2490 This family was in Cass Co., MO in 1880. Elizabeth Coffey and George W. Hayes had the following children: