NameTobias ARNEY 
Birthabt 1775
Misc. Notes
Many genealogies claim a child “Tobias” was born in about 1775. However we have found no clear record, and are particularly puzzled why we have found no record that he was “bound” to another family when he presumably became on orphan when Jacom and Elizabeth died - like what happened to Peter and Catharine.
The “evidence” cited by Stan Arney is below. We are both skeptical, but do believe it is plausible that Tobias MIGHT be another son, and a brother of Peter. So we have left him in place, as a possible subject of further research.
Here’s what Stan offered:
I think the "idea" of Tobias Arney, being related to Peter Arney (brother?), came about because of "coincidence".
After all, Peter Arney was in Lincoln County, North Carolina, until between 1790-1793, when Peter Arney moved to the area of Wythe County, Virginia.
Coincidently, Tobias Arney, shows up, in Wythe County, Virginia, in 1794.
His name appears on the Wythe County, Virginia Tax Rolls, for the years 1794-1800.
[Note: If Tobias Arney, was a brother of Peter Arney, it would "appear", that he followed his brother, Peter, to the area of Wythe County, Virginia.]
Next, Peter Arney, moved to the Cumberland area between Kentucky and Tennessee, around 1799, his name appearing on the US Federal Census, State of Tennessee, Overton County, from 1820-1840. Peter Arney, in 1814, purchased 300 acres of land, in Overton County, Tennessee, where he lived until his death.
Coincidently again, Tobias Arney, shows up, in Overton County, Tennessee, in 1826.
He purchases 137 acres of land, in Overton County, Tennessee.
[Note: If Tobias Arney, was a brother of Peter Arney, it would "appear", that once again, he followed his brother, Peter, to the area of Overton County, Tennessee]
Tobias Arney's name, appears on the US Federal Census, State of Tennessee, Overton County, in 1830 & 1840.
Tobias Arney's name, also appears on the 1836 Tax List for Overton County, Tennessee.
Tobias Arney sells his land, later in 1840, and from their, I don't know.
Tobias Arney's name also appears on the US Federal Census, State of Virginia, in 1810 & 1820.
[Note: Using the US Federal Census, as a reference, Tobias Arney's birth year would be around 1775, making him born around the time of Peter & Catherine.]
This "might be", why Tobias Arney, has been "tied to" or "associated with" Peter Arney.