NameLulu Grace MACHLAN 
Birth27 Oct 1881, IA
Death12 Oct 1920
Misc. Notes
CENSUS 1920: Grace Jennings / b: abt 1882 in IA / Wife / Living in Indianola Ward 3, Warren, Iowa
CENSUS 1910: Gula G Jennings / b: abt 1882 in IA / Wife / Living in Franklin, Decatur, Iowa
CENSUS 1900: Lula G Machlan / b: abt Oct 1881 in IA / Dau / Living in Franklin, Decatur, Iowa
Decatur County Journal-Iowa
Thursday, October 2l, l920
LULU GRACE MACHLAN was born in Decatur County, Iowa, October 27, l88l, and died in the hospital at Des Moines, October l2, l920, at the age of thirty-eight years, eleven months and fifteen days. She was the second child and oldest daughter of WM. A. and ELLA F. MACHLAN. She lived with her parents on their farm near Weldon, Iowa, until eighteen years of age, taking advantage of the educational privileges offered in the community. She was also one of Decatur County's successful school teachers and followed up this line of work until about the time of her marriage.
She was married on Feb. l9, l9l2, to SCHUYLER C. JENNINGS, a prominent citizen of Grand River. To this union were born three sons, PERRY M., WILLIAM S. and CHARLES E., the last named dying less than two years previous to his mother's passing, at the age of nearly four years. MR. and MRS. JENNINGS resided at Grand River until l9l7, when they moved to their farm south of Weldon. They resided there until l9l8 when they moved to Indianola, Iowa, where they lived at the time of MRS. JENNINGS' death. MRS. JENNINGS united with the M.E. Church when about sixteen years of age and remained a consistent and zealous worker until her death.
She leaves to mourn her departure her husband, two sons, her mother, MRS. W.A. MACHLAN, of Indianola; and four brothers and five sisters; PERRY L. MACHLAN, of Jolo, New Province, P.I.; MRS. W.H. CLAY, of Brownwood, Texas; GEORGE W. MACHLAN, of Tryon, Nebr.; MRS. FRANK CRONIN, of Allerton, Iowa; MRS. C. B. TRUITT, of Allerton; MRS. G.E. ARNOLD, of Russell, Iowa; J. HOWARD MACHLAN, of Minneapolis, Minn.; W. RUSSELL MACHLAN, of Mullen, Nebr.; and PAULINE A. MACHLAN, who lives with her mother. Also a host of other relatives and friends. A beautiful short service was held at the home, Thursday at four p.m., conducted by Dr. Willis, of the M.E. Church, in the presence of sympathizing friends and relatives. The funeral services were held the following day at Van Wert, Iowa, conducted by Brother Weyrauch, of Des Moines, her former Pastor, assisted by Bro. Branson, of Van Wert. She was laid to rest by ther side of her little son, CHARLES, in the Van Wert Cemetery.
Birthabt 1869, IA