Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Ninth Generation16927. Winonah Coffey was born on 3 August 1910 in Shiawassee Co., MI. Winonah died in Frenchtown, Monroe Co., MI on 4 November 1996 and was buried at Roselawn Memorial Park in La Salle, Monroe Co., MI in November 1996 .43311,43312 Winonah Coffey and Carl John Fredereick Price were married on 24 December 1927 in Lucas Co., OH.43313 They43313 appeared in the census on 8 May 1930 in Monroe, Monroe Co., MI.43314 They43314 appeared in the census on 25 April 1940 in Monroe, Monroe Co., MI.43315 Winonah Coffey and Carl John Fredereick Price had the following children: