Ninth Generation

16338. Bentley Everton Coffey was born on 4 January 1895 in Amherst Co., VA. He registered for the WWI draft on 5 June 191742450 He registered for the draft on 27 April 1942 in Chatham, Pittsylvania Co., VA42451 Bentley died in Gretna, Pittsylvania Co., VA in December 1981.42452

Bentley Everton Coffey and Una B. Davis were married. They appeared in the census on 3 May 1930 in Chatham, Pittsylvania Co., VA.42453 Una B. Davis was born (date unknown).

Bentley Everton Coffey and Una B. Davis had the following children:



Elva L. Coffey.



Margerite O. Coffey.
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