Eighth Generation

12148. Paul Ray Coffey was born on 16 April 1938 in Pineola, Avery Co., NC.35315 Paul died in Newland, Avery Co., NC on 23 February 1992 and was buried at Calloway Cemetery in Pineola, Avery Co., NC in February 1992 .35316,35317,35318

Paul Ray Coffey and Linda Jean Sluder were married on 7 October 1966 in Avery Co., NC.35319 Linda Jean Sluder, daughter of Alma Brewer, was born on 28 April 1949 in Avery Co., NC.

Paul Ray Coffey and Linda Jean Sluder had the following children:



Living was born in 1970 in North Carolina.35320
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